
Showing posts with the label mind

Creating a Need in You (Psalm 40:11)

                                                  Creating a Need in You God is Spirit and he is also the God of the Impossible.  Whatever is impossible to mankind is possible to God.  We, therefore, need something extra to be able to understand him.  So, he gave us faith, which is the ability to walk without seeing, just believing.  Each being has that ability. From this, we must approach God with this perspective, the perspective of faith.   It is impossible to understand this with our mind. The life we have is a gift from him and every situation and trouble we face is a call from him to come a little closer to him or to draw our attention away from ourselves unto him.   At the same time since he is so imposing, he is very approachable and does accept us as we are. Do not withhold your compassion and tender mercy from me, O Lord; Your lovingkindness and your truth will continually preserve me. (Psalm 40:11) (Amplified)   But again, in the French (courant) if I transla

This must be a Phase

                                                      This must be a Phase. Grieving must be a succession of phases?    Going from one extreme to the other emotionally. My day today was spent seeing my dear wife go through several years worth of clothes that had belonged to my dear mother. She had not only kept every purse but every pair of pantyhose she had owned.   My mind cannot comprehend it, and I want to cry because not only had she kept it but also had moved from the old country with it to Canada.   Can I give a word of advice to parents today?   Get rid of your stuff before your children must.   I am dealing with mental health issues in my own life and that is the last thing I want to face right now. Some of the things my parents had were old expresso makers.   It shows that they liked their coffee, but they did not involve me with their passion for coffee. One other advice I would like to give to parents today.   Share your hobbies with your children and involve them

Mind over Matter

  Mind over Matter   Thoughts Transformation   It probably would not surprise if I said to you that the central figure of Christianity is Christ.   Yet too often he is shoved off his throne and replaced by most of us by self.   It unfortunately shows up in our teachings of self-help nature has failed to provide the answer to our needs.   We need more than mind self control and transformation.   We need somebody to be ever-present by our side, even better, someone within.   Meet Jesus! He is our human/God answer to all our needs. He is also our Lawyer if we want him to be.   He could stand between us and God and make the way to God a lot smoother.   So, you need more than new thoughts.   You need a whole new relationship with your Maker.   Living Word   Jesus is the Living Word.   You can have him right in you.   He is powerful enough to change you into a new being.   The Bible is not an ordinary book, it is more than paper and ink.   It is full of life because the H