
Showing posts with the label world

God's Ways are Perfect (1 Corinthians 1-2)

According to 1 Corinthians 1 and 2... The message of the Cross is foolishness to the lost, but wisdom and power to the people of God.  We are saved against any humanly impossible condition.  Humanly speaking God’s love for us cannot be reasoned since the wisdom of man cannot bring us to God (1 Corinthians 1:21).  Human wisdom is too weak to even comprehend God’s ways.  We who are born-again believers have cause to rejoice in this, that Christ did not die in vain but saved us beyond our understanding.     It does not make sense that I who has a mental illness should be given the privilege to give the message I have been given .  Come on God there must be someone better than me among 8 billion ?  But it is his delight to entrust his message to the weak because that is given in power .  Obviously, God must be looking at other aspect to qualify someone because to the world I was a nobody.   No one can know a person’s thoughts except that person’s own spirit, and no one can know God’s thou

Joy Unspeakable

  “But the fruit of the Spirit [the result of His presence within us] is love [unselfish concern for others],   joy [inner] peace “ (Galatians 5:22 Amplified)   Whom having not seen, ye love; in whom, though now ye see him not, Yet believing, ye rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory (1 Peter 1:8   KJV )   Because of my past with depression…Joy has evaded me many times.   Yet Joy is not even of this world, it belongs to Jesus.   Joy is not the feeling you experience at a party, but it is quieter than this. I believe joy is received when you live in the presence of God.   “ You will show me the way of life, granting me the joy of your presence.” (Psalm 16:11 NLT)   It is not necessarily something we have and hold in greed but something that comes from within and flows unto others.   We give it away.   I thought that the description of love prior joy was an ‘unselfish’ clue.   In this world that is geared to the love of self, joy must stand out in a pleasant

Does Jesus Care even for you?

  Does Jesus Care even for you? That is a good question.   Does Jesus care even for you?   Let us face it, in a world with a population of over 8 Billion people where is his mind? It may not even be believable, but his mind is on you.   He cares for you.   In Matthew 9:36-38, “When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, Because they were harassed and helpless, like Sheep without a shepherd. Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out Workers into his harvest field.”   I wonder how many over the years have interpreted these verses as a plea for the Lord to send “missionaries” into the world rather than a look into the heart of Jesus for the needs of the world, your need for mental comfort.   He saw the crowds as a discouraged people in need of a Shepherd.   He told his disciples to pray for workers to meet the needs of the discouraged world and if you think the world is

Clear Announcement (Isaiah 45:18-19)

  Clear Announcement For the Lord is God, and he created the heavens and the earth and put everything in place.   He made the world To be lived in, not to be a place of Empty chaos.   “I am the Lord,” he says, “and there is no other. I publicly Proclaim bold promises.” (Isaiah 45:18-19)   Every word in the Bible should agree with the other and agree also with the spoken word.   If someone now tell you the heavens and the earth were created by God.   You can now say: “Yes, I know I read it in my Bible.   The Bible is the Word of God written on paper.   It even proclaims itself to be Truth.   Whatever God has said is True and to be believed.   He can boldly say in confidence what he wants to say because it is always True.   He is the Absolute Truth.   No lies is found in him.   People may have lied to you, even so-called Christians, but he never will.   You might sometimes have not liked what has happened in your life but was it God’s fault.   We often perceive so

What is the Most Important Thing? (Philippians 3:5-11)

  What is Most Important Thing? Here, is the Apostle Paul who did not consider anything about himself as important.  According to Philippians 3:5-11, he does not even consider his past accomplishments or religion as important.  All his moral qualities and advantages, even past failures as he had persecuted the Church.  Everything about him he considers lost for the cause of knowing Christ. “Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord” (v.8) If you read about him in the Book of Acts 9 and through his letters, he will tell you that he was a know-it-all kind of person.   Very proud of who he was and what he did.   It took a vision of Christ on the road to Damascus to convert him to Christ.   He had previously been a Pharisee of Pharisees and knew the Law of Moses inside and out.   What could have changed him so drastically, but Christ.   For delivering him from that bondage to the Law and all its religious regulations like there a

So much suffering...yet God is Good

  So much suffering... yet God is good Even though God is good it does not stop the suffering in the world.  Humans are responsible for their own actions.  The killing of innocent lives? It is not God.  Abortions? It is not God.  The world dying of hunger and wars? It is not God.  God is all good, but just.  There is one in this world, the Bible says: Steals, kills and destroy...We must blame him. Satan, the devil.  He divides to conquer, he is smart but not as powerful as God.  God has given him until a certain time and then there will be a judgment on him and all his followers.  Sufferings also come on those who although may look to be innocent are doing evil.  God knows what is in the heart of every man and woman.  If you are evil, be warned that your days are also numbered.  You are not as innocent as you may think or anyone else for that matter. If you have never heard of repentance, here it is...It is being truly sorry for your sin or evil ways and refuse strongly to do them. Thr

The World is a System

    Beat the System   Don’t misunderstand me on this one.   I am not saying physically, but spiritually and mentally. If the ‘system’ gets you down and overwhelms you change your heart and renew your mind.   The answer has been given you long time ago, but somehow you have missed all along.   Perhaps too busy to listen or you knew better than anyone else, even God.   There is only one foot between your heart and your mind and yet you have missed the most important information that could change your life forever,   You Can be Free   Assuredly, there is a whole network in the invisible realm of angels, good and bad fighting against each other for the defence of two kingdoms.   Some want you! You have a choice now for God or for the Devil.   For good or evil. Love or hate! God, from the beginning has wanted you whole and free from your sins, but no necessarily free from your problems.   Jesus Christ came to rescue you from the pit.   The pit of Hell. You can ha

Remember Lot's wife! (Luke 17:26-33)

When the Son of Man returns, the world will be like the people were in Noah's day.  In those days before the flood, the people enjoyed banquets and parties and weddings right up to the time Noah entered his boat and the flood came to destroy them all. And the world will be as it was in the days of Lot.  People went about their daily business---eating and drinking, buying and selling, farming and building---until the morning Lot left Sodom.  Then fire and burning sulfur rained down from heaven and destroyed them all.  Yes, it will be business as usual right up to the hour when the Son of Man returns.  On that day a person outside the house must not go into the house to pack.  A person in the field must not return to town.  Remember what happened to Lot's wife!  Whoever clings to this life will lose it, and whoever loses this life will save it. Have you noticed in your country or town a renewed confidence in the economy?  Or are they still protecting themselves tirelessly from th