
Putting God First (Matthew 22:36-40) (1 Samuel 17:38-39) (Psalm 37:24)

Putting God First (Matthew 22:36-40) (1 Samuel 17:38-39) (Psalm 37:24)

The Morning of the Flood (Genesis 7:1) (Genesis 6:5-8)

  Finally, the day came when the Lord said to Noah, "Go into the boat with all your family, for among all the people of the earth, I consider you alone to be righteous. (Genesis 7:1) Yesterday morning , our daughter had heard on the news that we would get 2 feet of snow (60 cm).  She texted us immediately.  My immediate response was, "Impossible, we never get 2 feet of snow here, it must be 2 inches (5 cm)".  I was in shock. Now, imagine the news that morning of the flood from Noah's radio station.  Surely, he had a radio station telling about the flood didn't he?  He must have told everyone he knew that a storm, a flood would cover the earth.  Just imagine what he said: " A flood is about to cover the earth and you will all be dead if you don't repent."  Their response would have been one of unbelief because evil had harden their hearts so much that they couldn't even repent. Now the Lord observed the extend of the people's wickedness, and

Cross-sing the Abyss (Romans 6:23); (John 14:6)

Cross-sing the Abyss (Romans 6:23); (John 14:6)

Freshen up the message of the Cross (Genesis 17:10-11); (1 Corinthians 2:2)

Freshen up the message of the Cross (Genesis 17:10-11); (1 Corinthians 2:2)

Relationship is the key (Genesis 12:2) Romans 4:13)

Relationship is the key (Genesis 12:2) Romans 4:13)

God's details (Genesis 6:18,21)

  18. But I solemnly swear to keep you safe in the boat, with your wife and your sons and their wives. 21. And remember, take enough food for your family and for all the animals. Firstly, in this instance God personally makes one promise regardless of Noah's ability to built the Ark.  He makes the promise that he will keep him safe. Secondly, he reminds him of one detail which is important.  It is the food for everyone and the animals.  As a former cook, I can't imagine the amount of food they would have needed for just about two hundred days at sea, not able to fish.  In addition, they had to take animals for the sacrifices.  The comforting thought with travelling is that there is always a lighter cargo at the end of the trip. Nevertheless, he takes care of every detail for a successful voyage.  Everything worked out for everyone's good.  As God promised he took care of Noah and everyone with him.  He could look back on this adventure and share it with next generations.  I

You won't die (Genesis 3:4) (John 3:16)

  "You won't die"!" the serpent hissed Likewise, it is in the beginning of every temptation.  Maybe you have heard it more often that you care to admit..."You won't die"!  Just try it one more time and each time, you die a bit more inside.   Of course, you can hear the deception in these words?  Prior to this verse, God had specifically ordered them not to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil (Genesis 2:17).  But the name of the tree even sounded so good..."knowledge", we would have "knowledge?"  This is the very tree mankind still try to climb today.  'Indeed, by our knowledge we will win a place in heaven'.  'By our knowledge, we will conquer the seas and lands, we don't need God at all'.  'We know everything now'. Mankind claims pridefully! Mankind is dangerously living on the edge of Hell itself! Affirmatively, the wages of sin is death.   That's in the Bible too! (Romans 6:23) Furth