You won't die (Genesis 3:4) (John 3:16)


"You won't die"!" the serpent hissed

Likewise, it is in the beginning of every temptation.  Maybe you have heard it more often that you care to admit..."You won't die"!  Just try it one more time and each time, you die a bit more inside.   Of course, you can hear the deception in these words?  Prior to this verse, God had specifically ordered them not to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil (Genesis 2:17).  But the name of the tree even sounded so good..."knowledge", we would have "knowledge?"  This is the very tree mankind still try to climb today.  'Indeed, by our knowledge we will win a place in heaven'.  'By our knowledge, we will conquer the seas and lands, we don't need God at all'.  'We know everything now'. Mankind claims pridefully!

Mankind is dangerously living on the edge of Hell itself!

Affirmatively, the wages of sin is death.  That's in the Bible too! (Romans 6:23)

Furthermore, As Adam and Eve gave up and disobeyed and took the forbidden fruit, history was set in motion.  A disappointing future of hopelessness for them, dreams gone! Thrown out from the garden of Eden, just imagine the loss.  It would have been like losing the best of everything.  Although, they had such a great life there, now was forever lost....They were send to gardening duties.

Fortunately, through history and through one nation despised by the others, Israel came about and through yet more history and trials brought about the giving of sacrifices and the Law.  Ultimately, the Messiah came after many generations by the promise, not by human seed, but by the supernatural power of God through a virgin named Mary,  God displayed his glory for a short time in this vessel as she came as a servant.

 After all, Jesus is now to be worshipped as the Son of God forever and ever. Amen!

Thankfully, through faith in Jesus Christ and by his death and resurrection, he gave us access back to the other tree in the Garden which is the Tree of Life (Genesis 2:9).  He even claims to be the Life (John 14:6).

Now, all you have to do as a priority is to be born again by receiving the forgiveness of God for your sins and accepting the sacrifice he made for you on the Cross in Calvary and then you will enter into the portals of heaven for ever and ever.  Finally,  a great family of believers and angels will welcome you, but most of all, Jesus Christ, the Messiah.

Lastly, now we can say by this process of rebirth through Christ in your life, you won't never die! (John 3:16)

For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.  (John 3:16)



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