God's details (Genesis 6:18,21)


18. But I solemnly swear to keep you safe in the boat, with your wife and your sons and their wives.

21. And remember, take enough food for your family and for all the animals.

Firstly, in this instance God personally makes one promise regardless of Noah's ability to built the Ark.  He makes the promise that he will keep him safe.

Secondly, he reminds him of one detail which is important.  It is the food for everyone and the animals.  As a former cook, I can't imagine the amount of food they would have needed for just about two hundred days at sea, not able to fish.  In addition, they had to take animals for the sacrifices.  The comforting thought with travelling is that there is always a lighter cargo at the end of the trip.

Nevertheless, he takes care of every detail for a successful voyage.  Everything worked out for everyone's good.  As God promised he took care of Noah and everyone with him.  He could look back on this adventure and share it with next generations.  Indeed, in this way they kept the faith in the family and passed it on.  Naturally, faith will also be kept in your family through the sharing of the word and the experiences you have had of close encounter with God throughout your life.

Lastly, we can learn from this that God will take care of you if you follow him and are obedient.  He will either remind you about the details or he will keep you in his care and keep his promises to you.



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