The Morning of the Flood (Genesis 7:1) (Genesis 6:5-8)


Finally, the day came when the Lord said to Noah, "Go into the boat with all your family, for among all the people of the earth, I consider you alone to be righteous. (Genesis 7:1)

Yesterday morning , our daughter had heard on the news that we would get 2 feet of snow (60 cm).  She texted us immediately.  My immediate response was, "Impossible, we never get 2 feet of snow here, it must be 2 inches (5 cm)".  I was in shock.

Now, imagine the news that morning of the flood from Noah's radio station.  Surely, he had a radio station telling about the flood didn't he?  He must have told everyone he knew that a storm, a flood would cover the earth.  Just imagine what he said: " A flood is about to cover the earth and you will all be dead if you don't repent."  Their response would have been one of unbelief because evil had harden their hearts so much that they couldn't even repent.

Now the Lord observed the extend of the people's wickedness, and he saw that their thoughts were consistently and totally evil.  So the Lord was sorry he had ever made them.  It broke his heart.  And the Lord said, "I will completely wipe out the human race that I created.  Yes, and I will destroy all the animals and birds, too.  I am sorry I ever made them."  But Noah found favor with the Lord. (Genesis 6:5-8)

Much like it is today, is it not?  The Bible refers to the last days as being like the days of Noah.  Does that include God's feelings about mankind?

Is there still a willingness and ability to repent on our part?  Is everything happening too fast for you?  Are all these words too hard for you to understand?  Does the idea of a 2 feet of snow in your part of the country seems unlikely?  The Lord promised that there would not be another flood on the earth ever.  Although, in Matthew 24, he promises (prophecy) that we would see these signs in the last days.  So when is it going to happen?  It has been happening for the last 30-40 years.  Wake up the flood is here!  Was Noah a fool in his days?  Yes, he was but guess what, the flood really happened and all the real fools with it.  I don't mind being a fool in my days as well if it can save some.

Wake up! The Church has been talking about the Rapture for just as long.  We say, "Well, the word 'rapture' is not in the Bible" I guess you will never know then.  It's going to happen whether you want to believe it or not.

Wake up! The Antichrist is already in the world.  He just has not been manifested yet.  His time is not here yet, because God is in control.

But what are you going to do when all this really happens?  Is it going to surprise you like the Flood?  But only 8 made it into the ark.  What about you?  Where are you going to end up? Rapture or Tribulation?


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