
Friendship with Evil (2 Chronicles 18-20)

Throughout the Bible, we are not only encouraged to not do evil, but also to not associate with it. Look at King of Judah, Jehoshaphat for example.   One great king who was after God, he had of course just a few flaws.   He had some friendship with the world. For starter, his son Jehoram married Athaliah, the daughter of king Ahab who was an evil king. We see him here where he helped king Ahab in chapter 18 and escaped fortunately from getting killed himself.   King Ahab was killed in the battle.   Since Jehoshaphat was a good king God protected him that day.   In 2 Chronicles 19:2 a prophet comes to him and corrects him on having helped king Ahab and associated with evil. The prophet tells him that he has helped one who hated the Lord. Furthermore, the prophet also tells him that because of what he did, God’s anger is against him. Sure enough, in the next chapter 20 we see him associating with the king of Israel Ahaziah an evil king as well.   While Jesus put his relations

From the Heart by B.Demaere: Investing in People

From the Heart by B.Demaere: Investing in People : I am just an average Joe, but I know enough to know that if you invest time and effort in the people around you.  It will be a worthwhile ...

Investing in People

I am just an average Joe, but I know enough to know that if you invest time and effort in the people around you.  It will be a worthwhile investment that will bring great returns in your life. Treat them with respect and dignity and you will get it back several folds.   I have made a lot of mistakes in my life, but God by his grace has covered my many faults and given me back for the little obedience I have given him. We hear a lot about ‘invest your money in this and that’ and those deals might not be always good and even scary looking. But invest yourself in people and they will go out of their way to serve you. Soon or later it will happen. Like I said, I don’t have much but the little I know, or have I invested it around me, and it grows on its own.   My wife has invested in her garden time and effort, and she is enjoying the return of a beautiful crop.   Should she have left it growing on its own would she have the same results?   I doubt it.   Time is the greatest value

Jesus loves me

I rose out of my struggle and started singing this song that you all might know:   Jesus loves me, This I know, For the Bible tells me so Little ones to him belong, They are weak but he is strong.   If you are a songwriter or music teacher, I apologize for the way it is written.   I realized then as I was singing it repeatedly that this song is full of theology and inspiration.   In ‘Jesus loves me’ alone.   There is a Bible verse that pops to mind.     John 3:16 that says: “For God so loved the world that he gave his Only beloved Son                           that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.   It is obvious then that the rest of the Bible shows us that Jesus loves us.   This little song took me out of my despair and brought me back to reality which is to know that God loves me, and life is a lot easier with him than without him. I don’t know what you struggle with, but I want to let you know ‘Jesus loves you’.   Next it also says that ‘little ones

From the Heart by B.Demaere: The Power of Letting go "A time to keep, a time to...

From the Heart by B.Demaere: The Power of Letting go "A time to keep, a time to... :   The Power of Letting go Whether we are intelligent or spiritual we have the choice to release, or letting go.  Whatever you like to call i...

The Power of Letting go "A time to keep, a time to give up" (Ecclesiastes 3:6)

  The Power of Letting go Whether we are intelligent or spiritual we have the choice to release, or letting go.  Whatever you like to call it, breathe in breath out.  It seems that in every discipline known to man there is a way of letting go.  Thus, even in regular prayer one aspect of it, it is to let go. In life we must learn through it to let go of stuff.  Letting go of accumulated furniture and junk in our homes.  Letting go of our children when they are teenagers. Letting go of them when they get married.  All through life we go through this process of metamorphosis to become eventually free like a beautiful butterfly.  We also must teach this to our children and the process goes on and on.  We must let go of our bad memories and guilt from the past.  Do you understand that the more you let go of baggage and chains, the more you will be free in your life to do either what God wants you to do or what you have dreamed all your life. I tell you and at the same time speak that to mys

From the Heart by B.Demaere: Rich and Foolish (Luke 12:16-21)

From the Heart by B.Demaere: Rich and Foolish (Luke 12:16-21) :   Rich and Foolish (Luke 12:16-21) If you are at all responsive to the teaching of the Bible and Jesus, you will notice that the Bible oft...