Friendship with Evil (2 Chronicles 18-20)

Throughout the Bible, we are not only encouraged to not do evil, but also to not associate with it.

Look at King of Judah, Jehoshaphat for example.  One great king who was after God, he had of course just a few flaws.  He had some friendship with the world. For starter, his son Jehoram married Athaliah, the daughter of king Ahab who was an evil king.

We see him here where he helped king Ahab in chapter 18 and escaped fortunately from getting killed himself.  King Ahab was killed in the battle.  Since Jehoshaphat was a good king God protected him that day.  In 2 Chronicles 19:2 a prophet comes to him and corrects him on having helped king Ahab and associated with evil. The prophet tells him that he has helped one who hated the Lord.

Furthermore, the prophet also tells him that because of what he did, God’s anger is against him.

Sure enough, in the next chapter 20 we see him associating with the king of Israel Ahaziah an evil king as well. 

While Jesus put his relationship with God above all else, we tend to put our friendship with others in between.

Like king Jehoshaphat we are weaken by our compromising friendships.

With all that is going on in our schools involving our children we should be doubly on our guard and not let the world dictate what gender they should be.

There is always a limit to evil, but can we stop it instead of encouraging it to keep growing.

Please leave some comments.  I would love to know some of you.


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