Investing in People

I am just an average Joe, but I know enough to know that if you invest time and effort in the people around you.  It will be a worthwhile investment that will bring great returns in your life.

Treat them with respect and dignity and you will get it back several folds.  I have made a lot of mistakes in my life, but God by his grace has covered my many faults and given me back for the little obedience I have given him.

We hear a lot about ‘invest your money in this and that’ and those deals might not be always good and even scary looking.

But invest yourself in people and they will go out of their way to serve you. Soon or later it will happen.

Like I said, I don’t have much but the little I know, or have I invested it around me, and it grows on its own.  My wife has invested in her garden time and effort, and she is enjoying the return of a beautiful crop.  Should she have left it growing on its own would she have the same results?  I doubt it.  Time is the greatest value to investment in any situation.

Look at it this way.  My wife invested a lot of time and effort in our children never expecting anything in return.  We just knew that the sacrifice would be worthwhile, and they were based on the value of our children. They are priceless!  Now with our grandchildren coming we just have to enjoy the ‘crop’.  We have done our work, yet we will still be an influence in their lives.

When I listen to the News which is not that often, I realize that some of the shooting that have happened in the world might have been because parents did not invest in their children. I almost think that God might look at the world as he did before the flood of Noah and be sorry that he ever created it.  If the News are as bad as the reality, I think the Coming of our Lord Jesus will be soon and no one knows the hour he comes.


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