

Focus Focus can be an all-around good thing: In your life or business, job, and goals that you set for yourself. As well, in your spiritual life you can focus on whoever you think your maker is.  As a Christian, for me it boils down to ‘adoration or worship.  Focussing on God and removing all distractions. We are so used to focus on social media that we lose focus on the main thing, which is relationships, one at a time.  Even God take the second best. Focussing in photography is moving the focus of the lens to the right or to the left unless it is automatic. God has spoken to me about the importance of keeping the focus on anything or anyone important to us.  If we lose focus on God for example, he loses some of his power in our lives to the point we end up becoming useless for him.  Like a photograph becoming useless when it is out of focus.  I want you to be able to reflect on your life and notice that you have lost focus on some of the important stuff.  It sometimes can even cause

From the Heart by B.Demaere: Focussing back on God

From the Heart by B.Demaere: Focussing back on God :   There are new things developing for this week that I am excited about: I am focussing my life and that means sharper outlook on life with ...

Focussing back on God

  There are new things developing for this week that I am excited about: I am focussing my life and that means sharper outlook on life with God's help. Please check posts this week.  

From the Heart by B.Demaere: The Mirror

From the Heart by B.Demaere: The Mirror :                              The Mirror This reflects who I am.  My past is my mirror and out of this mirror we can both learn from.  What...

The Mirror

                             The Mirror This reflects who I am.  My past is my mirror and out of this mirror we can both learn from.  Whatever I share in these blogs I had to experience it myself. Here it is… I ran from God in my past but no matter how far I ran away from him .   I find that in the end I could not hide. I had to acknowledge my problems before him, even though he knows everything. For my own good I had to confess my faults to go forward.  Something similar is  taught everywhere in self-improvement books?   Well, it comes from the Bible. Whenever, someone runs and hide from God they run into problems, severe problems like all kinds of addictions and other sins.   The only answer is to run toward him and be loved by him. You, who have never been loved.    Like the Beatles’ song: “All you need is Love”.   It is true to a point, but sex is not love.   In a marriage setting, it is an expression of love.    Sex was created by God for marriage as a blessing.   It is not

From the Heart by B.Demaere: Exciting Growth (Proverbs 19:16)

From the Heart by B.Demaere: Exciting Growth (Proverbs 19:16) :   Exciting Growth The hope of exciting growth always comes after strong hardship, does it not? Here in the part of Canada where I live, ...

Exciting Growth (Proverbs 19:16)

  Exciting Growth The hope of exciting growth always comes after strong hardship, does it not? Here in the part of Canada where I live, we have the harshest of winter (-40’C) which is like the hardship to the ground and us.   Then comes Spring in all its beauty and elegance.   A short Spring but nice and then now we are in the Summer which is a moment of growth for the fruits and plants and vegetables.   Notice that before the period of growth and renewal we have the hardship of Winter.   It is the same in life.   Our lives are made up of seasons and years and months.   We have weeks and days and hours.   Everything is broken up in stages and it is up to us to make these seasons valuable.   Those breaks count.   Make your life count but break it up in stages.   Plan accordingly and carefully.   This is the advice of a 66-year-old senior who has experienced it.   I am not all wisdom, but I have some wisdom. You cannot live your life twice but make it count the first time.   Save mon