
Lying in the Body ( Ephesians 4:25)

This lately caught my attention as I was reading Ephesians 4:25   Therefore, having put away falsehood, let each one of you speak the truth with his neighbor, for we are members of one another. (ESV)   It is the part where it says: “We are members of one another ”   I checked in the Amplified version to see if it said the same thing and here it is:   Therefore, rejecting all falsehood [whether lying, defrauding, telling half-truths, spreading rumors, any such as these], SPEAK THRUTH EACH ONE WITH HIS NEIGHBOR, for we are all parts of one another [and we are all parts of the body of Christ] [Zech 8:16 ] ( Ephesians 4:25)   That is exactly the way it is written in the Amplified version.   I conclude that the Bible stresses out very much that we are, whether we want or not, dependent on one another for survival. If one lies about the other, we are weakening the links in the chain which is Christ. We are working against Christ and not with him.   Lies stand against what Christ stands for

Making Promises to God

  One thing we must watch for, it is keeping our promises to God. It is so easy at one time to make a casual promise to Him and then forget or discard as not so important...but God has not forgotten and that is why this verse warn of danger.     It is a trap for a man to [speak a vow of consecration and] say rashly, “it is holy!”    And [not until] afterward consider [whether he can fulfill it] (Proverbs 20:25)     Now in the book of Judges 11:30-31 a man by the name of:       Jephthah made a vow to the Lord and said, “If you will indeed give the Ammonites into my hand. Then whatever comes out of the doors of my house to meet me when I return in peace from the Ammonites, it shall be the Lord’s, and I will offer it up as a burnt offering.”     As you read on in that same chapter you realize that it is his own unique virgin daughter that he had to sacrifice. Today this would not be allowed but in biblical times it was accepted. Nevertheless, however this is one of the saddest stor

Wisdom is like Soap

  Someone once asked Billy Graham, "If Christianity is valid, why is there so much evil in the world?" To this he replied, "With so much soap, why are there so many dirty people in the world? Christianity, like soap, must be personally applied if it is to make a difference in our lives."   I feel the same way about wisdom. It must be applied personally to your life to work. Furthermore, the wisdom from Proverbs is for everyone as we read in the first verses of the book. So, whether you think of yourself to be a wise person you still need it. Proverbs guarantee you will still benefit from them. One might want to try to do just that and see what kind of results we get out from them. I suppose it would improve our lives greatly and positively. Better than any old books on positive thinking, this might eventually turn anyone into a positive person and the quality of life would be comparatively great. In other word, you can never receive enough wisdom and that is

If God does it, who am I not to do it?

  Are you a god that you should know better than him who created everything from scratch?   Proverbs 8:22 (MSG) “ God has sovereignly made me- the first, the basic- before he did anything else. I was brought into being a long time ago.”   Today, my message is from the Word in Proverbs, and it is clear and to the point.   How many times have you started something without making wisdom, your sister? Do you hold wisdom close to your heart and mind? (Proverbs 7:4-5)   This verse in Proverbs 8:22 says that Wisdom was created first or God is sending us a strong message about wisdom. “If I started with it, you could too.” Start with wisdom in all you do. If you lift her up, she will lift you too.   Increasingly our society is letting go of wisdom . An example: Prayer in schools replaced by good behavior . Are we telling God what to do? How can we have our needs met if we do not put him and his kingdom first (Matthew 6:33)? Why do you think there is poverty in the world? God is not