Everyone's pursuit: Happiness 1 Peter 3:9-12

Don't repay evil for evil.  Don't retaliate when people say unkind things about you.  Instead, pay them back with a blessing.  That is what God wants you to do, and he will bless you for it.
                                  " For the Scriptures say,
                                    If you want a happy life and good days,
                                    keep your tongue from speaking evil,
                                    and keep your lips from telling lies,
                                    Turn away from evil and do good.
                                   Work hard at living at peace with others.
                                  The eyes of the Lord watch those who do right,
                                   and his ears are open to their prayers.
                                  But the Lord turns his face
                                 against those who do evil

Giving a blessing to someone who is angry with you is not what we hear or do, nevertheless in the Christian faith it is very much appropriate.  It certainly doesn't mean we let ourselves become  dormant to anything people are doing to us, but consciously, we just return a blessing.  We give them a glass of water or food or whatever in words and deeds.  Happiness seems to be everyone's goal.  I realise I have not arrived at this yet but this is basically the answer to happiness: To keep others happy by the blessings we bestow on them through our words...Is it not what the Word of God tells us here.  I realise confrontations are sometimes necessary but I have learned that the Lord wants me to do them cautiously and thoughtfully rather than to jump to conclusions.  Our dealings with other people are very important and here it even says that it will determine whether God favors our prayers or not.  He will turn his face away from evildoers.  Simply by our negative words about people or to people we become evildoers.
To God our words are simply actions.
In conclusion may our goal be, not just to become happy and find happiness no matter what but to speak happy to others and about others.  A negative word can magnify like a small amount of yeast in a piece of dough and become a stronger action in our life.  Just think what impact would a creative and positive word would have in someone...a child or an adult.

Have a great day!


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