Bible>Jeremiah 45:4-5 The Value of Protection

“Baruch, this is what the Lord says: I will destroy this nation that I build.  I will uproot what I planted.
Are you seeking great things for yourself?  Don’t do it!  But don’t be discouraged. I will bring great disaster upon all these people, but I will protect you wherever you go.  I, the Lord, have spoken!”

This is the shortest chapter in this book of Jeremiah, which is a prophecy to Baruch.  Baruch was the prophet Jeremiah's scribe and assistant. His name, Baruch means 'Blessed', what a nice name to have.  The prophecy was written in a time of turmoil among nations.  That is why Jeremiah tells his helper that he does not have to seek great things for himself at this time, but trust that God will protect him.  It is easy for people to be self seeking, especially in time of turmoil because depression settles in and we automatically self protect.  But in this case through these words we are told that God will do it for us.  We do not need to worry about our welfare.
These things that are too great for us are obviously overwhelming for us. An example would be buying a house. While it might be alright for someone else to do, it would not be alright for another person to do especially in times of turmoil.  In the end, we discover that protection from God is more valuable than any great things we want. This is where having a relationship with Jesus is important as he will guide us individually in what we should and should not do.
If you need assistance with that, please leave me a comment down below and I will be happy to help you with the Bible.   


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