Where is God's Wisdom found? Bits and pieces from Job 28:12-28

But do people know where to find wisdom?  Where can they find understanding?  No one knows where to find it, for it is not found among the living...
It cannot be bought for gold and silver.  Its value is greater than all the gold of Ophir, greater than the precious onyx stone or sapphires.  Wisdom is far more valuable than gold and crystal... 
The price of wisdom is far above pearls...Topaz from Ethiopia cannot be exchanged for it...
But do people know where to find wisdom?  Where can they find understanding?  For it is hidden from the eyes of humanity...
God surely knows where it can be found.  For he looks throughout the whole earth, under all the heavens...
...And this is he says to all humanity: 'The fear of the Lord is true wisdom; to forsake evil is real understanding.

Wisdom.  We say and do seek our own wisdom in many ways which is according to the Apostle James chapter 3:15 earthly, unspiritual, motivated by the devil.  Wow! That's what God think of our wisdom.
So where is God's wisdom found and why don't we see more humans seeking for it.  Just think of far away countries (from Canada) who are drilling for precious rocks and divers that go find pearls.  So busy for these kind of riches and yet no time for God's wisdom.  I marvel at my own self and find also that I don't pay as much attention to God's wisdom as I should.
Why am I like this?  This text seems to praise God's wisdom way above all else.
It tells you exactly how to find it.  In fact, it says it clearly, God says it to all humanity.  Are you listening now...The fear of the Lord is true wisdom...What?  Am I suppose to fear God?
Not fear as we understand. Not fear of judgment, but fear or respect and awe for his power enough to stay away from all evil.  How do you do that?  By having a relationship with him.
When we have a relationship with someone we want to please them. We hurt when they hurt don't we? We don't want to do anything that would affect the relationship in a negative way.  That is what I think the fear of the Lord mean...to leave evil where it belongs.  To forsake our evil ways and our sins.  How much evil are we willing to forsake in order to attain God's wisdom.
It's really up to you and me to decide for ourselves.
Have a great weekend!  Thank you all for joining in.


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