Are you satisfied? (John 6:35) John 6:35-71

Jesus replied, "I am the bread of life.  No one who comes to me will ever be hungry again.  Those who believe in me will never thirst.

All that Jesus ever is what the holy Presence of God is.  He is the manna from heaven.  The all-sufficient Manna from heaven.  He includes all-satisfaction.  Nothing will ever be lacking to us if we follow him in our desert.  We don't need to obey rules and religious rites because these will keep us dry in the end.  Our good works should be unnoticed by mankind but obvious to the Father in heaven.  We are all accountable to him and no one else.

Jesus is the Bread of Life, the sustainability of our spiritual well-being.  In this chapter that I cannot all put down here, Jesus encourages his followers to eat his 'flesh' and 'drink' his blood.  They thought he wanted them to be cannibals but that is not what he wanted them to do.  He wanted to not just satisfy them but the whole world by his presence.  The association with him had to be so close that the fellowship between him and them would be like One.  When he said "go" they went and when he said "stop" they stopped.  The Bread of life, the very essence of our spirit, the very presence of God with us.  We are fully satisfied when Jesus is what he claims to be in our lives.  He is not just the 'human' being that they could see who had been born out of Mary, He had been formed by the Holy Spirit of God and was fully God and fully human except he didn't sin.  So many were offended that day but not his disciples, the twelves found it hard to understand but they believed (except one) that he was important enough to stick around with because Peter recognized him as having the words of eternal life.  Death and Jesus don't mingle very well.  In fact, he chase it away.  Judas was maybe one of the twelve and he had the words to show he was one of the twelve but when trials and adversity came, death came out of him and consumed him, his actions didn't confirm his allegiance to Christ.  The true test is adversity.  God knows the heart and no one else. Endurance will determine whether you are following him or not, not your good deeds.

The communion that we partake when we share the body of Christ in the form of bread and the blood we drink when we share the juice or wine is a symbol of his death on the cross and Jesus in essence was asking them to partake of his body and his blood in his death and follow him unto death.  Many refused, what about you?  When the rubber hits the road will you follow him to the end?  How much is Jesus worth to you?  Is he worth the bread of life?

Have a really good day!


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