Where Dreams Come True (Proverbs 13:19)

It is pleasant to see dreams come true, but fools will not turn from evil to attain them.

This verse alone cut me through the heart like conviction should come through nothing else than from the Word of God (The Bible) and the Holy Spirit. 
Like it says in Hebrews 4:12 "For the word of God is full of living power.  It is sharper than the sharpest knife, cutting deep into our innermost thoughts and desires.  It exposes us for what we really are."
God knows everything, he knows the longing of my heart and he knows also the longing of your hearts.

When we are young children we don't have to be encouraged to dream, but then as we grow up our busy lives take over and we stop on dreaming or we quit dreaming because of the hardships of life.  We simply quit dreaming big like when we were children.  Why?  We just quit!

However there is still hope offered here for us adult, but are we willing to pay the price.

As I was looking at that verse in Proverb.  I didn't expect it to cut me through the heart like a dart on the center of the dart board.  O what drew my attention was the word "dreams", I am still a dreamer and I don't think I have to apologize before the world for that.  I love to ponder and imagine things.  I had secretly dream of many things.  With God for dreams to come true, a human has to turn from evil.

I paused...prayed this prayer: "O Lord show me if there is anything I should take care of in order to see those dreams come true?'
It didn't take long, suddenly, he showed me one thing I needed to do for my wife.  I rose and did it immediately as I was able to do so.

I know it's just the start of the beginning of dreams, godly dreams coming true.

The Lord God working in me to turn from evil.

We often envy dreamers who have had their dreams come true to whatever has happened in their lives but we don't see the other side of the coin.  The pain and ridicule they had to endure in the process.

Long time ago, I was given an allegory of two kind of people in this world...the chickens and the other kind, the eagles.  The chickens are the ones who peck all their lives and never see the sky and the others, the eagles, who fly free to far away places.  What do you want to be?  The choice is yours.
I know it is pleasant when dreams come true.  But first, all of us have to turn from evil as God makes us aware of it.  We need a proper relationship with God. God says it! (John 3:16)
We say actions speak louder than words.  We can't say to God we love him without doing the actions of loving him as he orders us to do in our relationship with him.

Have a great day!


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