Throw your Net on the Right side (John 21:3-6)

Simon Peter said, "I am going fishing."
We'll come, too," they all said.  So they went out in the boat, but they caught nothing all night.
At dawn the disciples saw Jesus standing on the beach, but they couldn't see who he was.  
He called out, "Friends, have you caught any fish?'
"No," they replied.
Then he said, "Throw your net on the right-hand side of the boat, and you'll get plenty of fish!"
So they did, and they couldn't  draw in the net because there were so many fish in it.

Now in the light of what I said yesterday about God loving you and the world many times over and with everything that is happening in this world...Do you feel his love?  Probably not, because his love is not necessarily meant to be felt but to be known, to be aware of despite of what is happening around you.

Many people like the disciples have prayed all night or worked hard all night at being religious but have not caught any fish.  Life can be tough in any circumstance when you fish on the wrong side of the boat.  The side that God does not want you to fish from. Notice in passing that all the disciples followed Peter.  We like to follow crowds don't we?

Cast your net on the right side of the boat, Jesus said to his disciple and they did.  They had fished all night and no result...Now watch what happens, they simply listen to him and here it is....
Can you listen to him just a little, just a minute maybe to go further in life.  Are you stuck somewhere in the middle of nowhere in life?  Just listen...It's past the night, you have worked all night.  It's time to rest but just before you go Jesus has something to say to you because he does want you to be happy about your fishing, your working or whatever you have been trying to do for the past 20 years and nothing worked.  This might be your answer to prayer...Just throw your net on the right side of the boat.  It's amazing how simple God is.  We have all the answers to life it seems and lo and behold at one time in life we find ourselves with our back to the wall and then hope is there to catch us.  God finally comes through.  The problem with us, before that, we were not ready to listen and now we are.  All along he has been saying: "Throw your net to the right side of the boat" and all along we have said in our subconscious...Oh don't bother me I know better.  Funny! Isn't that what we say to our husband or wife sometimes?

Now picture this, you have been religious all your life.  You really do what you want.  It's your choice.
All right, you have even persecuted those who believe in Jesus and done your own thing entirely.
Just imagine that by following all those in the same crowd you end up at the Judgment throne of God where all of us end up and he opened the books and does not find your name in them.  Will you still be right then?  What if you had been wrong all along?  All the evidences you had seen and heard about God will be held against you and you will be proven guilty. More so because you will have failed to believe in the Son of God.  You should have been on the Right side.

You still have a bit of time to make it there but don't push your luck, (if there is such a thing)
The time is now because the end of all thing is approaching.  The nations are in turmoil and don't ever hope that things will get better...Unless you get on the Right side and Jesus comes back which he will.

Now I had appreciate it if you leave a comment about what you just have read.  What do you think of all this about being on the right side or on fishing on the right side?

I know that many of you in the world are reading this and I am encouraged I hope it encourages you too and if so please pass it on to a friend you might know to encourage them as well.  Thank you so much and God bless everyone of you.


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