Jesus Christ is the Rock Foundation Matthew 7:24-27

Anyone who listens to my teaching and obeys me is wise, like a person who builds a house on solid rock.  Though the rain comes in torrents and the floodwaters rise and the winds beat against that house, it won't collapse, because it is build on rock.  But anyone who hears my teaching and ignores it is foolish. like a person who builds a house on sand.  When the rains and  floods come and the winds beat against that house, it falls with a mighty crash.

Jesus concludes his sermon on the mountain with these words.  He claims that anyone who follows his teachings and obey him will build his house wisely.  Anyone who does not care about his teachings and do it his own way will basically go bankrupted and lose everything he has.  

We don't have to look very far sometimes.  I look at my own life and I realize I could have listened  more closely to his teaching and obeyed them instead of at times doing it my own way.  But we have one life to live and some people think that the best way to live it is by partying and have a good time, but I decided from the start of my Christian life to invest it in his teachings because I knew that my own way didn't work too well...How is it going for you?  Are you succeeding without Jesus?
You have lots of money maybe but how is your family...still together?  Are you like a plate juggler trying to keep the plates going on those sticks.  You must let Jesus take over before you die of exhaustion.  His teachings offer peace.

Now, his teachings are numerous but he concentrates them in that beautiful sermon on the mountain which starts with promises of blessings for our lives if we obey the principles he gives us It is really a sermon that everyone should read.  It is full of wisdom and it is found in Matthew chapter 5-7
It even includes the well-known example of prayer to his disciples which starts with..."Our Father in heaven..."(Chapter 6:9-13)

He also teaches in that sermon about social relationships in which we could all excel in I am sure and about managing our money and life in general.
In conclusion to this post, a relationship with Jesus Christ is necessary to understand his teaching and practice and obey them then we will have our understanding cemented by his teachings and our house which is our life will be well-established like a rock.
The answer to our life is not just to have a passive relationship with him but to obey and practice his teaching as he directs and lead us by His Spirit whom he left to be our Helper and Teacher in this world.  If this teaching is speaking to you it's likely that God the Holy Spirit is working on you and influencing you to come to God. 

All three persons of God are working together to bring salvation to the world and all three have the personality of God and can be studied separately in the Gospels to come to the same conclusion, each one is the same God.  It must all be accepted by faith because our understanding can't comprehend the wonders of God.  The Trinity is a mystery.

If you have any questions or comments about this post please leave it below and it will be kept private.  No question is a bad question!

Have a great day!  Enjoy the sunshine if you see it.


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