Come, let us reason! (Isaiah 1:18) (John 3:16) (Proverbs 29:18)

Come now, let us reason together, says the Lord: though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red like crimson, they shall become like wool. (ESV)

If God had to sit down for a meeting with humanity he probable would have a long talk with it about all that is going down in this chaotic world.  It seems things are getting out of hands and men and women just can't talk without each other without pointing a gun in the direction of another person.  Every time I hear on the News about someone shooting another person  for any reason it does something to my heart.  Have lives become that cheap to some people?
In this article down below, it explains the reasoning behind 'all lives matter' could be offensive to the 'black lives matter' community.

I don't think we are talking about politics here, we are talking about people.  There is definitely something missing in our society from all races point of view and that is God.  If that young woman who was shot yesterday by a group of 'black lives matter' had said 'All lives matter to God' she would have said the truth because God is the creator of all races and he loves them equally. (John 3:16)

For God so loves the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.

We are way too fast at showing our anger in our society on all levels if they are any levels.  Why do we even make distinctions between races when we are all humans?  We should be even more patient with each other during Covid-19 as we face it together and put our differences aside.

Here in this verse in Isaiah, God makes no distinctions between races or genders, he says plainly and he has been trying to settle this for centuries...Come let us reason!
God is for open communication always, no shooting.
We have to admit our wrongs.  The same red blood runs through our veins but it's defiled by sins it shall be white like snow.
I must admit I have looked upon people of different colored skin or differences of any kind with a bit less love than I should have had.  People of all races look upon each others and notice a difference.
I have been discriminated against by employers who couldn't use me because I was 'too slow'.  We all make judgment before we reason and think of alternative.  I am really glad to hear that some restaurants employ mentally challenged people.

What I am trying to say is that discrimination is everywhere and against anybody but especially against the minority groups.  There are mentally challenged people who have been killed by law enforcement people because of no reasoning.  I am not minimizing the 'black lives matter' issue' I am just saying in some level or other we are all discriminated against sometime in our lives and that must stop now.

I want to leave you with something to think about in Proverbs in the Bible. (Proverbs 29:18) (NLT)

When people do not accept divine guidance, they run wild.  But whoever obeys the law is happy.

If I have offended anyone in writing this post please forgive me. Let's talk first!


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