Looking up! (Psalm 121)

A song from the ascent to Jerusalem

  1. I look up to the mountain---does my help comes from there?
  2. My help comes from the Lord, who made the heavens and the earth!
  3. He will not let you stumble and fall; the one who watches over you will not sleep.
  4. Indeed, he who watches over Israel never tires and never sleeps.
  5. The Lord himself watches over you!  The Lord stands beside you as your protective shade.
  6. The sun will not hut you by day, nor the moon at night.
  7. The Lord keeps you from all evil and preserves your life.
  8. The Lord keeps watch over you as you come and go, both now and forever.
Looking up is safer whether or not the world says that looking here is the thing to do.  Our ultimate safety is up in the direction of the mountain.  Actually the Lord is the one who made the earth and the mountains and the heavens.  That is where my help comes from and not some material found in the mountains like diamonds and precious stones.
If you want real help it's to the Lord that you should go because he is fully reliable and better than any insurance plan here on earth.  He doesn't sleep at night.  He is never too tired to help you and if you are a believer in Christ he will never leave you not forsake you.  So that is a pretty good deal, we just have to believe it as much as we believe in our insurance.  Some of us believe more in earthly salvation way of life than the heavenly guarantee of his promises.  This is a promise and another thing God never do is lie.  If you think God has lied to you it's your problem not his.  You need to adjust something.  It 's either, wait or believe!

All that I am telling you now is by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit speaking through me as he is more efficient in dealing with people than any other help in the world.  Even so called 'inspired writings' incorporate man's idea that's why we need life in our bones given by the Holy Spirit to us.  The Holy Spirit should always be our guide like I mentioned in my previous post on Psalm 23.  He should always guide us to green pastures not by men or by women.  There are no man or woman who should be considered above the other as all have the potential to teach us of the Spirit or not.  If we follow a man and that man becomes a Christ or a god to us we are in trouble.  Our help should always be from the Lord.

Do you see now that as a believer in Christ you have been looked after so closely by God himself.  When you have worried about your bills he has been there.  When you even think he might be sleeping, he is not.  He is just wanting you to go through an experience of faith.  During these hard times it is the moment and the opportunity f you have to reach out for his hand and hold it tight. Don't turn on yourself and forsake him in your unbelief and doubt but reach out to him and be closer.  It's a relationship, isn't it.  Work on it!

There is no fear with God and when you think he is sleeping, he is still in control just try to understand what he is doing in your life with the experience and you won't waste your time by worrying.

God bless you!
Have an awesome day and a productive one in the Spirit!


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