Living the Fruitful Life (John 15:4)

Remain in me, and I will remain in you.  For a branch cannot produce fruit if it is severed from the vine, and you cannot be fruitful apart from me.

Over and over the Spirit of the Lord has been showing me the importance of remaining in Him.  The Holy Spirit is as equally God as the Son is. So why not submit to the Holy Spirit for a fruitful life.  For only in the Spirit is a fruitful life attained.

The fruitful life is a lot more attainable than you realize.  You don't have to be uptight, you can relax and it's not at all a bunch of do's and don'ts's.  Under the leading of the Spirit it's amazing how much everything just goes so smooth.

This morning, my wife paid me a compliment in a way as she was saying that yesterday she wanted eggs for breakfast and she got them without asking me and today she wanted avocado which we had and she got it too.  I told her jokingly, "So I am doing everything I am supposed to, everything is on schedule."  Everything goes just smooth, when you listen to the Holy Spirit as your guide.  When you do everything in the flesh, the Holy Spirit steps to the side and let you take command.
You will never see fruitfulness that way, I am afraid!

You can command yourself or others to do certain things on your own, but a time comes when the Holy Spirit steps in, and say enough! 
Prayer, even though it is very spiritual can be done by the flesh without or some fruit.  It is called 'flesh prayer'
In fact, look at this, "But if you stay joined to me and my words remain in you, you may ask any request you like, and it will be granted.  My true disciples produce much fruit.  This brings great glory to my Father." (John 15:7-8)

Even if one is walking in the Spirit he shouldn't force his ways on others. 

Yes the Church was very fruitful at first, but then the different doctrines creeped in that forced Christians to be a certain way  and the Church started listening to doctrines taught by men rather than the Word of God in order to manipulate the most vulnerable and so came the fruitlessness of the Church where no miracles take place and  the Gospel is watered down to suit all ears and not offend anyone.  We just have been satisfied with 'Status-quo Christianity', when we think it is okay to see our prayers hit the ceiling or return to us without an answer.

But what Jesus is saying to me is that life in the Spirit is supposed to be exciting and ....fruitful!

Hear me well, the Christian life is not a 'to do list' given by an unhappy person, but a life full of joy and fruit because of 'abiding in the vine.'

It is high time to bend our ears to the Holy Spirit and love like he wants us to by abiding in Him God Almighty.

Have a great Day!


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