Don't worry, be happy! (Psalm 37:1-3)


1. Don't worry about the wicked.  Don't envy those who do wrong.  2. For like grass, they soon fade away.  Like springtime flowers, they soon wither.  3. Trust in the Lord  and do good. Then you will live safely in the land and prosper. 

1) Don't worry! (v.1 a)

Indeed, those words repeated though the Scriptures as a commandment, but do we pay attention to them.  In this case though, he adds..."about the wicked."  Well, that's revealing!  More light is shed on the subject as we go along further....

2) Don't envy those who do wrong (v.1 b)

Well, now it makes more sense.  Do we ever wish that we had it as good or better than the wicked?  This is the kind of worry, envy that is meant!  Not at all feeling sorry for them because in reality without Christ they have it a whole lot worse than we have, but instead envying them because they seem to get away with a lot.  I have been in that position of envy all my life, being the eldest of four boys, I did envy the youngest ones who got away from punishment.  But now, it's finished, we are indeed as Christians on the narrow path and not to be envied and not envying anyone.  What did I just say?  Not to be envied!  Wait a minute!

3) We are blessed beyond measure (v.3)

If we do it right and think right, Christians have abundant life. Life to us may not always be fair, but in reality it's not fair for anyone.  The wicked is really enjoying the end of a temporary life full of parties, but we are enjoying the beginning of an eternal life full of bliss enjoying what we were created for, worship.  As for the wicked the end is approaching very fast in this life and for the ages. Without realizing it, the wicked is on a slippery slope to eternal death (Psalm 73:18).

4) Jesus is coming soon (v.3)

And still, we see the signs of his coming approaching.  Heresies and plagues are rising  which are signs of the end times.  Indeed, the end of all things is fast approaching and yet mankind is not turning to God in repentance, but instead going deeper into sin.  This is another sign!

5) All things have to end (v.2)

Someday, all things will have to end here on earth and so do, your evil intentions.  The evil age, we live in will also have to end before God rules the earth in Jesus Christ.  It's your choice to end it by doing a U-turn toward God.



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