True Religion (James 1:26-27)


26. If you claim to be religious but don't control your tongue, you are just fooling yourself, and your religion is worthless.  27. Pure and lasting religion in the sight of God our Father means that we must care for orphans and widows in their troubles, and refuse to let the world corrupt us.

I) Definitions of religion

1) A particular system of faith and worship

2) A pursuit or interest to which someone ascribe supreme importance

These are interesting definitions as one can be taken to the extreme of the other.  More less, like the 1) to the extreme of number 2) in any of these 'so called' religions.  Any religion can become very extreme.  We just need to forgive one another as history changes with time.

II) In the News

Presently, I am talking about the massacre that have happened in France at the hand of 'so called Muslims'.  What is happening in France is bound to happen all over the world.  As of now, the Muslim population as grown in Europe and France.  In France, Islam is the second most important religion there.  I am appalled that the world is just watching this happening and not doing anything to stop it.  A slap on the wrist won't do, folks!

III) Pure religion

Christians need to preach the Gospel of Peace like never before because obviously, other religions don't have it.

Religions that is pure is full of love and has a controlled tongue.  If tongues are not controlled it leads to crime and extremism...It will become dangerous to humanity.

Isn't faith and worship the core value of any religion like Islam and Christianity?  There, we agree on this one thing.  Unlike one though the other only leads to one God in three persons, the same God is inhabited by three beings who have the same characteristics.  Father, Son and Holy Spirit without those the resurrection would not have happened.

When one religion leaves, the number one definition, it becomes an extreme.

IV) Righteous Anger

I am angry as I see religions at war with others because this is not the purpose that God intended to be...He intended it to be a peaceful one full of love and harmony.  For sure, the harmony would come only through Jesus Christ who offers only one Way to heaven for He said in John 14:6: "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life.  No one can come to the Father except through me."  What does that make of any other way or truths (lies) and lives out there?  Jesus is the one who spoke John 14:6 and not I.



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