The Comfort of God's Promise (Psalm 119:49-56)


 49. Remember your promise to me, for it is my only hope.  50. Your promise revives me; it comforts me in all my troubles.  51. The proud hold me in utter contempt, but I do not turn away from your law.  52. I meditate on your age-old laws; O lord, they comfort me.  53. I am furious with the wicked, those who reject your law.  54. Your principles have been the music of my life throughout the years of my pilgrimage.  55. I reflect at night on who you are, O Lord, and I obey you law because of this.  56. This is my happy way of life: obeying your commandments.  (Psalm 119:49-56)

1) Capturing the Mood  (v.49-50)

Oftentimes, we approach this psalm from a legal background.  Granted, this is Old Testament literature.  Yet affectionately, David expresses his heart to God regarding his Word.  As we read this psalm we capture that mood as well in his words.

2) Steady in his Word (v.51-55)

Steadily, David pursues God's laws, even in the midst of persecution from the proud at heart.  With great comfort, he appreciates his promises and he meditates on them.  Musically incline, David recognizes the harmony of the Scriptures throughout his life.  In reflection, at night he ponders on who God is.

3) Without regrets (v.56)

Conclusively, he exclaim without regrets in his voice..."This is my happy way of life: obeying your commandments."  Wow! What a revelation for an old man.


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