The Encouragement of the Word (Psalm 119:25-32)


25. I lie in the dust, completely discouraged revive me by your word. 26. I told you my plans, and you answered.  Now teach me your principles.  27. Help me understand the meaning of your commandments and I will meditate on your wonderful miracles.  28. I weep with grief; encourage me by your word.  29.Keep me from lying to myself; give me the privilege of knowing your law.  30. I have chosen to be faithful; I have determined to live by your laws.  31. I cling to your decrees.  Lord, don't let me be put to shame!  32. If you will help me, I will run and follow your commands.

1) A new perspective of life (v. 25-26)

Firstly, here lies the reality of life because life is more than just a dream with rosy flowers.  Evidently, life is more than a party that you find yourself in.  For if you think life is that then one day you will find yourself facing a wall where you will need real help.  In reality, life can bring you down at dust level scratching for the surface.  And that is when you need revival.  In the past, the perspective of planning we often offered to people was one of passiveness.  But now,  he tells God of his plans and he expects and get an answer.  We can tell, openly, our plans to God, but be ready for his answer.  His principles bring us back to the basics of his word where we are given a new perspective.

2) A new meaning of life (v.27-28)

Secondly, while God takes the time to reveal the meaning of his commandments, we marvel and meditate on his  miracles in our lives.  Sadly, as grief temporarily invades our lives as well, we find encouragement through his word and a new meaning to life.

3)  A new commitment to life (v.29-30)

Lastly, lying to self destroy lives.  Because, we are constantly finding reasons for not reaching our goals and consequently, not doing what is right because of someone else's injustices or faults and never looking at our own faults.  We must be faced with the privilege  and the benefits of the law.  Then, we can make a fresh commitment to faithfulness and determination to the Word.  When we stick and cling to his decrees we don't see and hold any shame.  Because, the blood of Jesus make us right in this legal court.  The approach of the psalmist in this psalm is all done with legal terms and terminologies.  Yet the blood of Jesus takes care of your shame.  Then, a final push of commitment to run.  To run to follow, if God will help him.  Often, we ask God for help without giving him any sign of our commitment to be champion for his commands.  Please help me, but...

God bless you!


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