David, the successful man of God (2 Samuel 23:1)


These are the last words of David:

David, the man to whom God gave such wonderful success. David, the man anointed by the God of Jacob. David, the sweet psalmist of Israel. (2 Samuel 23:1)

First of all, it is virtually impossible to separate David from God in this verse.  There was such a unity between them and an harmony.  David knew that it was God that exalted him or made him successful.  He endured a lot of suffering that no one would know, except that it had been recorded in the Scriptures.  Suffering especially at the hand of Saul and other enemies.  Indeed, no one knows the suffering someone has endured in order to be successful, except God himself.  What do you consider successful?  Being a dad who has a high position with a company?  A husband whose wife spend her time with someone else?  Who and what is success?  Life is certainly more than earning money.  You don't need to be rich to be happy.  There are a lot of people out there who are rich and unhappy. Obviously, that should be a clue for you.

Although, some of the answer to being successful are in this verse.  David was a king, he was successful in his relationship with God.  Like all of us he had messed up in life several times, but what made him very successful is that he got up every time.  He didn't stay down very long and that's what I like about David.  God must have liked that too.  David forgave people and moved on.  Some of these are good points for success.  But above all, David knew what was God's strategy.  He basically knew what pleased God.  The Bible says that he was a man after God's heart. (1 Samuel 13:14; Acts 13:22) How did he find what pleased God?  He spent time with God in worship and he loved his presence.  He read the Word as well (Psalm 119).

Even though, God who made David successful and taught him, he also anointed him.  Nevertheless, nothing can be done without the anointing.  It's like trying to put a square peg in a round hole.  With the anointing you are like a well oiled machine.  Don't pretend to be someone you are not.  Consequently, we all have gifts that are especially for us to use.  We are all originals when we work for God.

David was indeed a sweet psalmist and that's what defined him.  Not the fact, he was a king or even a father.  It was that he was a psalmist.  Ultimately, he wrote songs for God and that was his ministry.  He took that to heart.  In the high-definition of God's presence.  That's what made him successful!  Nonetheless never the applause and the praise he was getting from the crowds.  It was God's presence from the closet of prayer and praise.

Everything depends on that....



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