A Dramatic Christmas (Luke 1:29.38)


29. Confused and disturbed, Mary tried to think what the angel could mean

38. Mary responded, "I am the Lord's servant, and willing to accept whatever he wants.  May everything you have said come true." And then the angel left.

Although as humans we might think of ourselves as mighty powerful beings, we sometimes fall short in times of adversity.  It doesn't take very much to tick us off or throw us out of balance.  Frustration or confusion comes in quite easy.  It's even harder for us to admit our defeat which shows our weakness in a greater dimension.

Nevertheless, as we look at this first Christmas episode unfold before us in the Bible.  We see human weakness in its entirety. First of all, Mary, Jesus's mother finds herself in a very vulnerable position not only as a single, virgin woman who became pregnant by the work of the Holy Spirit. Before this, she is confused and disturbed as she is visited by an angel in the announcement of the birth.  Another curve ball was that Joseph finds himself with a pregnant woman engaged to be married to him (a big deal in those days).  A lot of emotions again in this Christmas, feelings of overwhelming confusion throughout.  As well, during this first Christmas something happens in the scenario.  The unexpected, but predicted birth of John, the Baptist to an elderly couple.  All this adds a lot of drama to this beautiful true story.  Is that how your Christmases look mostly like?  Is it a mess or an organized mess?  Who is really in charge?  Are you strong enough to face Christmas or even life alone?  Is something missing?  Life is a lot simpler than you envisage it to be.  You find simplicity in a simple barn scene with a few animals and some shepherds, overlooked by the angels, and within their midst a baby in a manger.  How simple than this can it get?  So, it is with the message of the Gospel...a heart full of sin but, also with great expectation welcoming the Savior Jesus Christ receiving his forgiveness.  When the Messiah came into my heart, it was full of praise.   Although I had not yet experienced the reality of the Bible.  I supernaturally knew that praise was due to God because how great he really is.  This Christmas could be your first ever with a new sight, a spiritual sight from God.

Manger, Belen, Birth Christmas, Maria, Jose, Jesus


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