(This was prophesied by the prophet Isaiah about 800 years before Jesus Christ was born)

6. A child is born to us, a son is given to us.  And the government will rest on his shoulders.  These will be his royal titles: Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. 7.  His ever expanding peaceful government will never end.  He will rule forever with fairness and justice from the throne of his ancestor David.  The passionate commitment of the Lord Almighty will guarantee this.    (Isaiah 9:6-7)

As a child, I was expected to believe in this unseen Santa Claus and a donkey going down through a chimney.  I believed it until my parents told me otherwise and then I felt let down.  Don't you love the faith of the little children.  Just believing is God's expectation for all of us.  Believing in the unseen, such a faith to behold.  Why is it so hard now as adult to believe in miracles and the unseen.  Do you want to know the answer?  We have moved!  We have moved to such a level of education and understanding that faith doesn't count anymore.  There is no need for faith anymore.  We know everything there is to know.  We are full of pride.

Although, we believe in wind and growth.  We believe the Earth is round, some don't.  There are a lot of unseen things we believe in, so why not God?  Because most of us are blind.  We have been told there is a 'Santa Claus' and we believe it, rather than God who created the wind and all that is seen and unseen.  Even that first Christmas is very believable. Even though, it's so extraordinary...it's un-believable yes but, in the sense of awesome and extraordinary.  Let awe and adoration fill you.  So stop your unbelief and start waking up in your life and become like a little child.  Because they have the head start into the Kingdom of God.  You are so far behind!  Christmas is real, but not Santa.

Christmas, Advent, Nativity Scene, Crib, Maria, Josef


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