Control Freak (Proverbs 19:21)

Many are the plans in the mind of a man, but it is the purpose of the Lord that will stand.  (Proverbs 19:21)

Seemingly I am talking about myself again, but through all this I will point you to God.  I have been a control freak all my life.  I finally admit it today, it was hard.  Let's see! As I look back at my teen years, I wanted to be in control through my anger against my parents.  As an adult, our wedding was predominantly planned by me.  I chose the colors of the wedding and made the wedding cake.  Now when I delegate my wife to prepare a meal for us, I still want to look over her shoulder to make sure she does it right.  I feel that as a former cook I always have to be in charge, even just a little.  Can you relate to this?  Aren't we funny?  If only we knew how little in control we really are.  We just like to do a lot of pretending.  Pretend that we are in control.  Nothing has changed from when we were young children.

Furthermore, to top it all, I chose my profession contrary to my parent's wishes which is a big 'no, no' in a European family.  I chose the profession of Pastry chef, but my late father,  an independent body repair man .  Nevertheless,  I am happy that I chose baking, I met people I would have never met otherwise, namely even my spouse.  So all worked out well, no regret.

Today, I found myself having to give up control of everything God required me to give up.  The comforting experience that it was going into his hands, in good hands.  In reality, how can he work and do anything with our lives if we don't give him at least some control as it is due him.  After all, is he not our Creator and should he not be in control of what he has made.  It does make sense to me.  Does it not make sense to you?

Equally, I would encourage you in the same direction to progressively give your control of your life and give it up to him who holds the universe anyway.  You can give up your control over people and trust him for the outcome with them.  He is alright with it.  Trust him!



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