Investing in the Kingdom


Before he left, he called together ten servants and gave them ten pounds of silver to invest for him while he was gone.  (Luke 19:13)

The first servant reported a tremendous gain---ten times as much as the original amount!  Well done! The king exclaimed.  You are a trustworthy servant.  You have been faithful with the little I untrusted to you... (Luke 19:16-17)

The third servant  brought back only the original amount of money...I hid it and kept it safe...I was afraid because you are a hard man. to deal with. (Luke 19:20)

You wicked servant! the king roared, "Hard, am I? If you knew so much about me and how tough I am, why didn't you deposit the money in the bank so I could at least get some interest on it?' (Luke 19:22-23)

Investment, Investment! How much is that market worth to you?  How much is the Kingdom of God worth to you?  Is it worth enough to you to invest a little bit or as much as God wants you to invest?  Come on now, it is not that much a shot in the dark as it would be to invest in the kingdom of this world.  Don't you know who the King of the kingdom of God is?  Do you think also that he is hard to deal with that you would rather like not invest?  Well then, at least put in what you have, for interest's sake.  In other word, don't just sit there hopelessly thinking that you know the King, but give it all you have.

But what does investment require?  Diligence.  The diligence of the first servant was rewarded.  Look in verse 26 '...but those who use well what they are given. Persistently well, what they have been given.  Throughout history, speakers gave speech to encourage people to not give up.  Never give up!  You must never give up!  Hope has been in and out of the Bible, loud and clear and you, where have you been all this time?  In your misery?  Cheer up and invest in the only sure economy there is.  Not in this world's economy, but in the kingdom of God's economy.  Not necessarily in your church, but in souls and let it multiply to see an increase.  Wherever souls are potentially won that is where your gifts and abilities should go.  To reach souls, it requires people and money and abilities of all kind.  No the Church is not dead, but it requires people who are alive and full of dynamic and energy.  Not spectators, but doers!



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