You can see! (Luke 18:40-43) (Luke 18:17,24)

When Jesus heard him, he stopped and ordered that the man be brought to him.  Then Jesus asked the man, "What do you want me to do for you?"

"Lord," he pleaded, "I want to see!"

And Jesus said, "All right, you can see!  Your faith has healed you."  Instantly the man could see, and he followed Jesus praising God.  And all who saw it praised God, too.    (Luke 18:40-43)

First of all, through my struggle with my mental illness, I had to learn and to have the "I can" mentality.  The "I can" mentality has nothing to do with the faith movement or anything as such. Indeed, for me it meant literally, 'survival'.  I call it positive input and your brain is like a computer.  If you tell it that "you can" it will believe it as much as you would tell it that "you can't".  Besides that, Jesus had his healing power as well.  I have proved that technique over and over again to be true in my own life.  I can do whatever my body tells me I can't.  Do you notice that Jesus didn't even reason with the blind man.  Amazingly, he didn't say, "Yes I really believe that if you believe you will be healed" or gave him a teaching about faith first.  He got the ball rolling right away and said, "YOU CAN SEE".  He simply told him what he could do.  Why don't you believe and say that to yourself about anything...You can do it!

Over the years, I was not only taught about the importance of faith in school but things regarding faith just jump out at me like this morning.

Thus, I picked up a contrast in my Bible.  Luke 18:17 and verse 24, Jesus says that, if you don't have the kind of faith of a child, unwavering trust, you will not enter the kingdom of God.  Verse 24: How hard it is for rich people to enter the kingdom of God why?  Because they are perplexed and doubtful about everything.  There is a contrast here between 'no fear' and 'fear'.  Between 'simple' and 'complex'.  We must not read the Bible because it makes sense.  We should read it with God in mind.  God can and so do I.

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