Abiding in Christ


The Bible may have contradicted and frustrated a lot of people throughout the centuries.  One thing the Bible never does, it is to contradict itself and it remains the Truth through the ages.  The same is of Jesus who was killed by mankind because he claimed to be the Messiah who he is.  No matter what mankind might do to either the Bible or Jesus, they will always remain the same.  The Rock of the Ages.

A while ago, I entitled a post "I can do it" (February 22,2021)  At that time, I wrote about all the things we can do through Christ.  But now, I will complete that thought by affirming that yes we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us provided that we abide in him.  Is it not what John 15:4-6?

 "...for without me you can do nothing"

Also, the concept of fruit bearing can be seen in Isaiah 55:11.  With the word of God being send wherever he wants to be and accomplishing or producing fruit.  It, then prosper.

It is the same with my word.  I send it out, and it always produces fruit.  It accomplish all I want it to, and it will prosper everywhere I send it. -Isaiah 55;11

So, in that context if you would agree with me.  We can only do all things through Christ and in Christ if his word, the Word of God is what we trust and depend upon.

In other words, for that to happen we must give up total control of and from our mind to the Mind of Christ. For as we are renewed from day to day, we are also changed from glory to glory into an endless masterpiece.  I can't wait to see the 'finished' work.  All of us will end up looking like Christ.  The True Masterpiece!


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