Maximum Impact (Acts 27:10, 21-26)

 None of you will lose their lives, even though the sip will go down.  For last night an angel of the God to whom I belong and whom I serve stood beside me, and he said, 'Don't be afraid, Paul for you will surely stand trial before Caesar!  (Acts:27:22-24)


I know, I know! If you are anything like me you have either gone to at least one of them or too many of them to care.  They keep piling up and no they are not taxes or bills this time, but trials. " Lord", we say,"I want to get over with that one as fast as you can."  Don't they usually linger and last forever?

It is like God really wanted Paul to go to Rome so he could face Caesar in court.  But lo and behold, even though it was God's perfect will for Paul to go to Rome it was not going to be without a storm and without any hardships.  Have you ever thought about this?  We have Christians floating around in dreamland professing that if God's will is perfect for our lives, it is going to go smooth.

Listen, Paul was going to Rome and nothing was going to stop him, right?

Wrong! He ended up shipwrecked.  O he eventually ended up in Rome, but it was the long way around...The unexpected way of God.  The God whose ways are higher than our ways and thoughts that are far above ours.  Why?  Because he does not want you to be in control.  He wants to do it for his glory and have your life deliver the MAXIMUM IMPACT for his glory.  Look at all the prophecies God gave Paul in the storm and the vision as the sailors wouldn't listen to him.  They prayed for daylight (v.29), but God gave them a shipwreck and then, on the island...Paul kept witnessing for God.

Your weakest moment might be while going through the storm, but that's when you have the MAXIMUM IMPACT.



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