About Being Anxious (Philippians 4:6-7)

 Do not be anxious about anything but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your request to God.  And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:6-7)




The Obvious...

How can you be anxious?

Come on, a Christian shouldn't be anxious

Get over it...

The Reality...

Listen, mental illness is very real. Thus, there are times the voices in my head becomes loudest than anything else.  Some of you reading this might have a mental illness without having been diagnosed for it.  I just had to admit it.  That's all!

Last night, I was already in bed with anxious thoughts flooding my head.  My left leg was responding with vengeance.  Muscle stiffness.  I rolled on 'Hot and Cold' medicine on it.  It burned instantly under the heated blanket.  This morning, my wife said it was a mistake to put that under the heat.  Eventually, I had fallen asleep and it went away.

The Truth...

Consequently, anxiety, how do I deal with it?

1) Well, I take a hold of my problem and measure it and compare it to other's problems.  It's usually bearable.

2) Furthermore, I read my Bible, usually Psalms.  Let's see what is God saying to me? What is the right perspective?

3) I tell myself: "I will live and go through this but not alone.(Psalm 23)"

At last, who says Christians should never be anxious.  That's no lie, but we are good at giving pad answers to make ourselves look good, aren't we?  Doesn't the Bible which is truth says that we should be anxious for nothing but pray in everything.  As a Christian, I am not there yet.  Some of you may have arrived at your destination. I am still on the journey and sometimes the road gets rough.  God is still patient with me.

So when we become anxious, we must turn it into a prayer.  By the way, there is no right and wrong in prayer, just pray.  He is your Father and your are still his son or daughter.  Just talk, he doesn't judge you on syllables.  Finally, enjoy his presence and let him enjoy yours.  He cares!


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