Not Left Alone (John 14:18)

No, I will not abandon you as orphans---I will come to you. (John 14:18)

Packed with Hope

Even though, this word of a wonderful promise was given to them, the disciples.  It was given to every believers since that time.  A short verse that is also packed with hope.

Jesus is the Father

I like this 14th chapter in John because here Jesus is most transparent to his disciples.  Hereto, he opens his own heart and shows us who the Father is.  Clearly Jesus is the Father himself.  He said, "Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father! So why are you asking to see him. (verse 9).

Not Comfortless

Furthermore, they have not left us comfortless and throughout the history of the true Bride of Christ, the Church of the born again Christians has witnessed the faithfulness of the Trinity through the person of the Holy Spirit.  In fact, Jesus himself promised us this Counsellor above all other counsellors.

The Holy Spirit is Relevant

This Holy Spirit has been reminding and leading us into all truth taught by Jesus.  He has been and is still comforting us through our trials and through this pandemic.  Some of us may feel abandoned, but it is not so at all.  Long time ago, Jesus promised to all of us that he would not abandoned us and that means never.

The Holy Spirit represents

He was to come to us in the person of the Holy Spirit, his representative.(verse 26).  Fortunately, a representative is one standing or acting for another.  The Holy Spirit is thus the one who stands for Jesus and this means simply that he is to us the exact representation of who Jesus is here on earth.

Ignorance is no excuse

No wonder, the world and even Christians mock him and grieve him through their unbelief.  We just don't know what and who we have got.  We have a wealth of help at our disposition and we are just not paying attention to him.  The Holy Spirit is a person like you and me, perfect as God himself is perfect.  The Holy Spirit is God.  Only those who don't believe will miss him greatly


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