That’s Faith

First of all, I had like to thanks and acknowledge whoever made this beautiful video.

Jumping First'

A mother duck jumping first from a bridge.  Then waiting down below for her 13 ducklings to follow her.  Now this takes faith and trust that they will be alright up there and follow her.  Way to go mom!

Taking it Personal

Most of the time, I like to personalize a lesson of faith and put it into practice.  In life, God wants us to sometimes take a leap of faith.  Let's see! He did it himself first, didn't it?  Now you do it!  He died to self on the Cross putting the desires of his Father ahead of his.  He did it to the point of almost giving up.  He said: "Let this cup pass from me, nevertheless not as I will but as you will "(Matthew 26:39). He was crucified for you, now you do it.  The Christian life is it in a nutshell.  The kernel of corn has to die first in order to produce more corn.  Listen, Jesus did it first to show that all this is possible.  If he had chosen to die a normal death would he still have had eternal life.  We look at that video and think: "How beautiful it is" and yet we don't want to do half of it.  It took a lot of courage for that mother to jump and it took the same amount of courage for those ducklings to jump in as well.

Shared Courage

Did you see what she did?  This is amazing lesson.  For lack of better terms: She 'leverage' her courage to her ducklings.  She shared it and passed it on.  The leader has to take the jump if he wants his followers to come after him.  It's doable!  The most important of all leaders, Jesus, showed us it was doable.

What are you waiting For

What are you waiting for?  A red flag or a white flag?  "Please Lord, don't let it be" we ask. He has shown you verses after verses.  Signs after signs.  Miracles after miracles since you were a young child.  Jump in, what do you have to lose?  Nothing!  You must die first like the kernel of corn if you want to have abundant life.  In the river like those ducklings.  All of a sudden, their horizon was open, the river.  Their perspective was widened.  Their space was bigger and your tent will be enlarged if you jump in with them.

All the Best to You

Crucified you go on (By BernardD)

Crucified you go on

To better things

Dying to the world 

Yet living by Grace

The crown of thorns

Has turned to gold

Your hope is not gone

It is just beginning



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