How Can a "Hurting" Church be Effective?

 What is the Church?  A basic description in the Bible is that it's the Body of Christ.  Many members, each with different gifts.

Who is in the Church or also the local church.  People of different families, with feelings and cultures close to their hearts.  Defensive, some untouchable, also terribly hurt.  Can a wounded soldier go to war?  Can a wounded soldier operate a weapon effectively?  If your answer is "no" you are absolutely right.  How can such a hurting Christian see clearly with the lenses he or she's got?  How can a Christian with hate and malice in its heart caused by unresolved issues fit in the Body of Christ?  How can a Christian who has endured 'perverse' discipline in childhood love the discipline of the Church now?  Prolonged hurtful feelings of any kind can bring Satanic oppressions of many kinds.  You need healing.

Sunday after Sunday, church. discipline reminding some of us of our childhood in the '50s when our Sunday school teachers forced us to memorize the Bible as a 'discipline'.  I didn't grow up in the church.  The closest I ever came to a 'church' was the Mass on the TV screen and my family mocking it.  Discipline, who likes it after experiencing corporal punishment as a child for 'not being good'

We are now new creations, time to run for cover and be holy on Sunday.  We rarely tell others of our hurts because they will 'discipline' us with the Bible rather than actively listen to us.  Life is a rush, a boring rush where we are 'told' ,but not listened to.  Everyone is rushed, no room for mistakes and misfits.

It's time to wake up Church.  You have kept it inside way too long.  The reason you blew it, it is because you are hurting really bad on the inside and even 'Love' hurts you now.  The reason you are criticized and judged is because you hate criticism.  You are hurting and there is nobody qualified in the church to heal because they are all hurting.

 The Church have hurt far too long.  Like a hurting dog laying in the street you have resisted every counselors or people with the gift of prophecy passing you by.  You don't have the gift of discernment anymore.  After all when you are hurting, isn't everybody a 'bad' person.  There is one Healer that will bring the 'right' people in your life.  Quick get your strength and courage back.  Hope is here and now, not tomorrow.  He is always with you even when you don't feel him, even when you hurt.

Love one another should almost be translated 'Talk with one another' People don't talk enough anymore.  The media has turned us into selfish monster always spilling negative spew.  The book of Wisdom is ignored. It says: "Life and death is in the power of the tongue". We even by our own life mock it.  Truly, we, including myself have messed it up.  The world sees us, even worse God sees us and we do nothing to change.  A Catastrophe!

We should no longer fight against our 'friends' but against our true enemy

Division is of the Devil.  He does not like 'Unity' of any kind.

If you like Division you are a loser and you are on the loser's side, give it up!


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