Moving on to Faith (II Chronicles 7:14

 What if Martin Luther had done nothing in history?

The world of religions would still be looking at the Bible the same way.

The Letter to the Romans would still be read the same or not read at all.  Religious people don't like that book because it's not work.  They want to do stuff or rather nothing significant for the Kingdom.  They have the heart, but no determination.

Where does it say: "If my people who are called by my name..." Oh that's a beautiful verse to quote in church.  But what does it actually mean?  It means that "you" who are quoting it need to be determined about doing it.  The Word of God being read by Christians does not make the devil tremble and even if you memorize it.  No, what makes him tremble and what does Romans says: "Obey" that's right when Abraham obeyed the Word it was what made him righteous by faith. Throughout Romans we see that it's not only faith that makes us righteous but faith is always followed by actions of faith and deep belief in our Father who is Always with Us. 

 Religious Christians have a lot of determination to be proud of by 'reading' the Bible, but when it comes to obeying it they run away the other way because that means they have to humble themselves and pray.  Ouch!  

No, when you want to pray you have to be determined or the devil will show his determination and wipe you out or take your time.  Religious people don't stand a chance.  The devil is not afraid of pride because he made it.  It makes you weak.

If you humble yourselves and renounce your wicked ways.  What 'wicked ways', I am religious I am blind.  I don't see a thing.  One thing saddens me among others in my life and in others is the inability to rejoice when a fellow or gal rejoices and I shy away or gives excuses not to rejoice with them.  Someone rejoiced yesterday about a business they had started and established.  It should have been a shared time of rejoicing in the church but did you see all those 'sour' people not able to rejoice with them.  I know I might be 'generalizing' but it saddens me that we can't even just obey that command: "Rejoice with those who rejoice".  What a success to be able to establish and register a business and all all the hurdles a person has to go through and to be met with 'emotionless, cold shoulder feelings.

Over all many Christians fall in that category of saddened, tomb like experience of the Christian life.

Because, it's faith that brings on the Resurrection of our lives to fruition.  You can stay in your religion and mopping in your denominations.  I am moving on to Faith. 


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