

We are born expecting

We live for short term hope for the next best thing that we hope will soothe us like a pacifier.

Throughout life, we are given false hope over and over like in our next paycheque. Then the proverbial carrot is moved every inch further and we hope some more. It would be so much nicer if we could be richer and we buy a lottery ticket for luck as if luck was on our side.

We find ourselves in a long tunnel that is life always told by too many people how our lives should be.

We end up expecting less and less toward the end when we retire in a space that is getting smaller and smaller waiting for that something to happen when we will be maybe richer. Thinking that maybe we will experience some happy moments with people. All that we have left now is people to love until the end when the space becomes a box and to dust we return as a promise given to us long time ago.

To dust we have returned no longer after anything or anyone.

Except yes, for the one we hope for if we have a relationship with him. He is Jesus, the long awaited one Emmanuel who has the power to raise us up to to life that he has for us eternally. May our hope be in the heavenly things, in Jesus Christ rather than worldly stuff.



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