God in the News

  These are the Last Days

 God has always been in the News.  He is God and he is in everything that concerns men and women, children.  He sees everything that is going on and I am sure there is a whole lot of head shaking in heaven.  God is not surprised he knew it all along.  We might be surprised, but everything is working out as he planned long time ago.  The nations are being lined up just like the planet would be.  There will be a New earth and a New heaven and Jesus Christ is coming back to take his true followers back home.  Nothing will be missing!  Everything will work out like a fine-tuned clock.


But what about you?

There is certainly hope for you if you do exactly what God wants everyone to do.  That is so simple: Believe in his Only Son Jesus Christ.

It sounds so simple and yet to many people it is so difficult because they find excuses not to love him. Jesus is the One who loved us first by dying on the Cross for each one of us.  He deserves our love.  God works in the hearts of men and women in mysterious ways.  Maybe today is the day of your salvation, but please don’t turn him away.  He loves you.

 What about my story?

 My teen years had been tumultuous, and my parents had not got along, and I was given to a lot of anger and hate.  In Canada, I took a cook training course and after a while ran into a man to whom I ask a lot of questions about Christ and the life of the Christian.  He answered them all and he also seemed very happy.  The next day, I accepted Jesus Christ in my heart and believe he is the Son of God.  I cannot say my life was easy, but I can say that God has always been with me even in my lowest point.  I can assure you he keeps all his promises, and he will never leave you because he has not left me.

 If you trust him

 He will take care of you as he has taken care of me and my family.  Things may not work out like you plan, but I can assure you that through all your blessings and troubles unfolding, God has a plan for you that will work out for your best.  Don’t forget that through every situation you encounter there will be a lesson to be learned.  If you are like me, human, it might take a bit of time to learn it.  Have patience with God and with yourself.  He took 6 days to make sense of his creation before he could finally rest.  Trusting him is important! (Proverbs 3:5,6)


Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.


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