Do not assume!

 Do not assume

Due to circumstances this post might be shorter than others.

My mother passed away on Sunday.  It was to be expected since she had dementia and she was rapidly deteriorating.

But in that light, I had like to warn you about not assuming that you are always right in your views, particularly of God.
Right he is a loving God and he also is a just God.  He wrote the Book of life not you.
Don't assume that your views are going to match his Book, the Gospels.
The simple Gospel is this: Jesus died on the Cross for our sin and then he rose from the dead on the third day. He is the Son of God.
If we confess that he is we have eternal life,

Many people today have sketched their own god and truly believe that this will give them entrance to Heaven.  Not so!

Your beliefs have to live up with what the Gospels presents in the light of who Jesus Christ is.

Thank you for your participation. For coming back on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. You are the best.

I am Bernard and love you very much!


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