The Crisis of Loneliness

There are many lonely people in this world which is ironic since we are so populated on our little globe.  In fact, you might be one of them suffering.

What is loneliness? Well, you might be all alone right now and not be lonely or you might be in a room full of people and be lonely.

I describe loneliness as an almost uncontrollable feeling or craving for companionship.  Almost like boredom, maybe it comes from boredom.

To me, it is a calling to do something creative.  I have been lonely many times.  You know, you can even be lonely while being married.

There is a void in our hearts to be filled and we want something else in there than God.  We say, “Certainly not you God!” We would rather have a ‘real’ person with us or our phone.  Something we can touch.  Life would be wonderful then and we get it and find out the loneliness is still there.  We then turn to drugs or pornography, and we keep going in a downward spiral and it kills us.

The world on the news can talk to us about the symptoms like drugs and alcohol but not the root which is loneliness.  It is a silent killer in our society. Suicide is rampant because of loneliness.  I have experienced thoughts of suicide many times and I am telling you it comes from a feeling of loneliness, a dislike for oneself that would push you over the edge.  But that dislike for oneself comes from a feeling that 'no one cares for you anymore' which is not a reality.  It is a feeling of loneliness.  The crisis must end!   When you are lonely do something creative.  Use your brain and call on God.  He is the companion of the broken-hearted, he will mend you. (Psalm 147:3)


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