God's Nightshift


God’s Nightshift (Acts 12:6-17)

God’s night shift can be busy as he goes about delivering people from bondage.  Peter ended up in prison by no fault of his own, but Christians all live in a dangerous world that pushes away differences.  Christians by no fault of their own are different just by nature. They are new creations.

They are Christians who are bound by the world for giving into the world and others that are bound for going against the things and beliefs of the world.  Nevertheless, God has either way given us a way of escape.(1 Corinthians 10:13)

We can always be victorious as Christians if we give up on the temptations and resist them.

In this case, Peter had faithfully preached the Word and was bound by chains between two guards at night.

Suddenly, an angel came in a bright light and delivered Peter.  The chains fell off and after the angels gave him some instructions they left and walked right through a gate that was kept by two guards who would have been certainly awake but unaware of what was happening.  Even Peter thought he was seeing a vision.  Everything was really happening.  They had gone through two posts of guards and then after an iron gate that opened by itself, he was out realizing his freedom.

Like yourself, you might have been under attack, a prayer may not be answered or for whatever reason you might be kept bound from doing what God wants you to do.  Take heart because an angel is on the way to bring you deliverance and set your feet on the right course.  Trust God with all the hope he has given you.  Come back to your senses.  He will lead you out to freedom.

Addictions of any kinds are powerless before Jesus’s mighty names.  The chains fall off in His Presence.

Please enjoy the website.  Big changes but it is not finished yet as I am trying to figure out how everything works.


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