Our Heart's cry (Isaiah 63:7 to 64:12)


Our Heart’s Cry (Isaiah 63:7 to 64:12)

First, let’s start at the end of this long text.  We will understand better the heart of God toward his people.  In this case, it is Israel.  But for New Testament people, it is the born-again Christians who are God’s chosen people.  God’s people have throughout history been known to rebel at times.

Isaiah 64:11-12 “Our holy and beautiful house where our fathers praised you, has been burned by fire, and all our pleasant places have become ruins. Will you restrain yourself at these things, O Lord?  Will you keep silent, and afflict us so terribly?”

We can see clearly that the prophet Isaiah is concerned with the house of worship, in our world today it would be our church or the Church of Born-again Christians.

Now at the very beginning of this passage in Isaiah 63:7, he wants to remind God’s people of the goodness of the Lord and our motivation for praising him.  Have we forgotten how good he is and have we forgotten the importance of his house of worship?  It is the Lord and no other gods who brought the Israelites through the Red Sea.  It was a great miracle; I can almost see it happening.  No other gods could have done this and besides, if this had not happened Israel would have been conquered by Egypt who was following them.  As it is and according to God’s promises Israel is on top now and God will fight for them. 

But enough with politics…Let’s look now at what is missing in God’s people and what should be the cry of our hearts who pray for the Church and for Israel.

First, there is a plea for God our Father to come closer to us (Isaiah 63:15-17 and on.

“Look down from heaven and see,

From your holy and beautiful habitation.

Where are your zeal and your might?.

v.17 Return for the sake of your servants,

the tribes of your heritage”


The answer in this passage is found I think in Isaiah 64:4-5:

“From of old no one has heard or perceived by the ear,

No eye has seen a God besides you,

Who acts for those who wait for him.

You meet him who joyfully works righteousness,

Those who remember you in your ways.

Behold you were angry, and we sinned;

in our sins, we have been a long time,

and shall we be saved?


The answer is in doing God’s Will joyfully and doing what is right!

Please meditate more on His Word and grow together in His Church.

Please leave comments and follow.


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