Thought Infestation (Jeremiah 4:14)


Thought Infestation (Jeremiah 4:14)

Are we taking God seriously?  Could there be any bad or evil thoughts in us even though we are saved?  Are we immune?  Are we clean?  We need forgiveness, oh but we are forgiven.  What about confession and repentance?  Could God be looking at us and see maybe even a little bit of fault in us?  Are we too proud to admit that we need his help?

When I read this verse out of the Amplified version of the English Bible, it is very close to the French translation that I read.

“O Jerusalem, wash your heart

From wickedness,

That you may be saved.

How long will your wicked and

Immoral thoughts

Lodge within you?


I know some of you like me are saved, but why do we let evil thoughts lodge within us (Ouch!)


In fact, in the first part of the verse in French, it says: “Jerusalem, if you want to be delivered wash or clean your heart of its wickedness. How long will you be indwelled by evil thoughts?”

And verse 15, does not leave them off the hook…” There is a rumor coming from Dan” (Near the source of the Jordan) news of catastrophe or disaster…” coming from the mountains of Ephraim.”

Verse 16 “Warn everyone, alert Jerusalem the enemy comes from a far-away country….


They were sure to experience the enemy in the future if they didn’t take care of their evil thoughts.  Consequences were sure to follow.


May this be a warning to all of us to keep walking in check with the Holy Spirit without pretending that everything is going fine between God and us.  There is always room for improvement in our lives.  Let God do the cleansing and let us be honest with him in our lives.


God is mighty to deliver us if we have stray on a strange path.


Listen to what Zephaniah 3:17 (Amplified) says,


“The Lord your God is in your midst,

A warrior who saves.

He will rejoice over you with joy:

He will be quiet in His love [making no mention of your past sins],

He will rejoice over you with shouts of joy.



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