Going Through a Valley

 “Even though I walk through the [sunless] valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, got you are with me; Your rod [to protect] and your staff [to guide], they comfort and console me.” (Psalm 23:4 Amplified)

Normal Christian Life

What is the normal Christian life?  The answer is Psalm 23, It does not mean an easy life but sometimes of great testing.  These should not surprise at all if we are in the footsteps of our Saviour.

I am going through that valley right now and this is not fun, but I must focus on Jesus and trust that he will take me on the other side.  Although, he might feel like he is at a distance when we go through the valley…We have three comforts to draw from.  Oh he never leave us alone, remember he is the Good Shepherd of the sheep.  If the shepherd would leave his sheep, they would become a meal to a wolf or wild dog.  No, no and no! That would be the furthest thing on his mind… to leave you alone.  He loves you so much.

The three comforts of the sheep are:

1)      He is with me – His very Presence

2)      The shepherd’s rod – To protect

3)      The shepherd’s staff – To guide


Do you see the picture?  As the sheep are going through the darkest valley.  The shepherd is not only with them but he has his rod and his staff to protect and guide them.  The rod is not necessarily for the sheep but might be used to ward off the enemy.  The staff could be for guiding them through the dark valley as there are obstacles in their way.


My Favorite Psalm

This is my favorite psalm and many other people like it.  I like it because within each of its verse there is the Presence of the Lord.  He is with us every step of the way even when we do not fully see him or understand him.  When the Light is gone, we even then still have him.  Let us keep praising him and press into him until we reach the other side of the valley.  He is never too far from us although we may feel like he is sometimes.

What are your fears?

             Give them over to him.  He is bigger than them all and he is with you.  If he is with you, you no reason to fear. Please read Psalm 23 on your own.





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