What is Truth? (John 18:38)

“Pilate said to him (Jesus) What is truth? And when he had said this, he went out again unto the Jews, I find in him no fault at all.” (John 18:38)

That is the Question

Pilate had asked that question about 2000 years ago without it seems really wanting an answer.  Since then, the world has had its own idea and philosophy of what the truth should be.  Many people today have their own personal view of what is truth.  No one really is teachable and ask question about it.  We just stubbornly make up our own truth to avoid it altogether.  If Pilate had been teachable, he would have known the truth because the truth was with him right there at the front of him.  Pilate represents what a lot of people are like today.  The Truth is right with them and in the front of them and yet they still ignore.  Nevertheless, there is a price for that, and it is costly.  There is not much time left for you to know the truth.  You are better finding it soon.

The Truth is Personal

“Jesus saith unto him, I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me” (John 14:6)

Look since everyone wants their own truth God has made the truth available to each one.  The Truth is simply a person who is stable like concrete.  That person is a strong foundation and never lies.  You can trust him and his promises.  What else do you want truth to be he has it and he is Jesus Christ.  He will live forever, and you will too if you believe in him.  Truth is simple, it speak to the heart.  I am not trying to convince you, but I think it is pretty cool.  No one knows what happens after death except Jesus and his followers so don’t be so sure of yourself.  There is a hell if you don’t believe.  Truth is personal and it is for everyone.  He is not mad at you he wants you to be happy the right way.  Your addictions will never make you happy.  Joy comes in the morning.

The Truth will set you free

So Jesus said to the Jews who had believed him, “If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” (John 8:31-32)

The actual teachings of Jesus will set you free.  Lies bring bondage and prison sentences.  Fear is not freedom and whatever does not set you free is a lie.  There are two forces at war out there one will lose and already doomed but thank be to God the Truth will win.  So which side do you want to be on.  I want to be on the winning side telling the Truth that Jesus is alive today and is coming back sooner than you think but it will never be ‘never’.  Please make up your own mind because you have had a long time to think.  The time is NOW!


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