A Mind At Peace

 Empty street surrounded with buildings


We have a strong city: he sets up salvation as walls and bulwarks. 

Open the gates, that the righteous nation that keeps faith may enter in. 

You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you. 

Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord God is an everlasting rock. (Isaiah 26:1-4) 


We have a strong city because it is filled with the strength and power of the Lord. Faith is what overcomes the world and with that faith the righteous nation is validated. No fear in her since her walls and bulwarks are set up with salvation. We have no good enough reason not to trust the Lord. We have the evidence based on his reputation from the past dealings in our lives. Don’t we know it is about time we trust the Lord. We cannot be negative or doubtful anymore. It is a waste of time and resources. Trusting him is a calling on our life. It is no longer a gentle request but a calling to our life. By trusting him we make a stand against the enemy of our soul. No compromising anymore. If we cannot trust, then we have weaknesses in our armours, we have leaks in our shields. 

How do we know we trust him? When our mind is set on Him. When He is our First concern. 

Then and only then will we experience His Peace. A Peace that passes all understanding. 


Peace is a rare commodity in this world and true peace is only found in God and not in yoga or religions but only in God. It is not found by subtracting from your min or adding to it but only by setting it on God because he is the source of Peace. You might have sought peace for a long time, and I did too before I was saved. One song sung by Elvis Presley in the 70’s was instrumental in leading me to the Savior Jesus. It is called “Peace in the Valley” which was eventually going to be a promise of change in my life. It happened in 1979 as I was taking a course in cooking and the rest is his “story”.   


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