The Seasons of Life (reflection on Ecclesiastes)

Have you ever read a book with a new outlook, a renewed focus about it or life?  This happened to me as I was reading the “strange” book of Ecclesiastes.  Although the author of the book is thought to be king Solomon.  It is now Solomon as a ‘senior” we are reading.  I always thought I was reading the book of an old man“tired of life”.  But now I am reconsidering him.  He is not so far from the truth.  I better pay attention to his wisdom.

What I see in this book is phenomenal.  He is inviting us to evaluate our lives and to think long and hard at our time and moments. How we value it or them.  Do not work so hard that you miss half of your life.  He is asking us to consider the value of things and for him to have reached the end of his life and passing it on to us is a treasure of wisdom that I am truly thankful for.  It is my legacy from him.

In the third chapter he wants to break our time in moments and name them.  That is an excellent time management strategy.  Little moments are better enjoyed and appreciated.

I find it relatively challenging to pinpoint an area in this book for a specific encouragement, but this book is a whole.  In the past, I have it in one sitting, it is a fascinating book and if you have a chance why don’t you give it a try.  He gives advice of all sorts.  Written in a poetic language I would say.

There is nothing hidden under the sun, and everything is known to God leaves you very small and in awe of God.  Life can be a vanity when your time is not worth much, but it all comes down to your values and where you are at.

The most important thing Solomon wants us to consider is our relationship with God.  Is it important enough to consider your life and where it is going?  Can you pause now and look back on your life and say: “Whatever I have accomplished in my life was all worthwhile or does it need reflection.

Your life is worth more than you realize, and reflection can bring you further than you have ever been.  They that wait on the Lord shall renew their strength. (Isaiah 40:31)

Life is worth every pause and stop sign.  Life is worth waiting for.  It is worth the wait.


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