
It is Free

  It is Free! What more do you need or want?   Life can be free for you if you choose to be free.  Right now, you are a slave to sin, you are paying dearly for the life you have and the wage in the Bible is called DEATH. “For the wages of sin is DEATH, but the GIFT of God is ETERNAL life through Christ Jesus our Lord.  (Romans 6:23).  Within the Eternal life is included the abundant life that Jesus is.  You and I don’t need anything else.  He will supply all our needs because he is the Good Shepherd.  The only reason we find ourselves lacking is when we quit believing or having faith in him.  When we quit trusting him.  When we quit putting him FIRST.  A Christian should never find himself or herself lacking and I don’t mean prosperity gospel.  When you put your faith in God first before your want.  You will not be lacking anymore and always content of what you have in your pantry.  There will always be enough to make another meal.  God will make you flexible with little.  That i

From the Heart by B.Demaere: Hang in There

From the Heart by B.Demaere: Hang in There :   From my heart to yours   All Christians struggle - even if we all have big smiles on our faces.   We just don’t want the world to see ...

Hang in There

  From my heart to yours   All Christians struggle - even if we all have big smiles on our faces.   We just don’t want the world to see our sufferings.   But if you are a Christian doing the will of God you should suffer because the world does not know him who lives in you (John 14:17)   Furthermore, we all have our hang ups and we do not always feel 100% Okay all the time.   We are not robots and we do not try to be.   Even robots do not work perfectly, ask a computer technician.   Whoever you are and in whatever situation you find yourself in…Tell yourself this: “It is not the end of my world and things will work out as they always do.”   Inexhaustible hope   God’s kind of hope cannot be exhausted. If you have Jesus in, you there is hope.  It is only ‘unbelief’ that limits that hope from flourishing.   Foremost, love should be sought and practiced as it will last forever (1 Corinthians 13:8-10)   End of tunnel coming   For us born again Christians there is alw

When Jesus says so.... (Mark 4:35-41)

  When Jesus says so…   Let us go… (Mark 4:35-41)   If you look at that day in the life of Jesus and his disciples, it was a day loaded with teaching from Jesus, mostly about faith and the word.  So, you would have thoughts that after the teachings on the seeds planted on different grounds and the mustard seed.  They would be full of faith and believe.  Let us look at this passage! At the end of the day, Jesus told them: “Let us go to the other side of the lake.  Picture this, they were probably as tired as you are when Jesus ask you to do something.  They went anyway and lo and behold, a storm shows up.  At that time in the story, you like to wonder about Jesus.  Do you wonder also when Jesus asks you to do something and then everything goes wrong, and you want to tell Jesus.: “I knew it or I told you so”.  On top of it all as apparently, they were sinking and almost dying, Jesus was sleeping.   Jesus sleeping…you are hurting   Something is humanly wrong here.  Jesus,

God with us....Forever

  God with us…Forever   From the beginning of times   From the beginnings of beginnings, God was there fashioning and building what we see and feel what is all around us today.  In Psalm 90, we are told that before the mountains and that the world was born into existence.  He was there and he was God.  That same living God is with you today through whatever situation you find yourself in.  He is with you on Mondays and throughout the week.  Don’t miss him!  The Bible clearly shows that he is with his people when times are tough for them.  He cares immensely for each one of us more than we care for ourselves.  We cannot make excuses for leaving him.  People all around us may mess us up enormously, but it does not mean it is God’s fault.  We should not turn our back on him for that reason.  Today, too many things are blamed on others including God and it is not fair.  Whatever, you decide to do with others or with God don’t forget he still has the last word on your life.  He is t

From the Heart by B.Demaere: Beauty in Mankind

From the Heart by B.Demaere: Beauty in Mankind :   Beauty in Mankind   Man and Woman   A simple look at the first and second chapter of the Book of Genesis shows that Adam and Eve w...

Beauty in Mankind

  Beauty in Mankind   Man and Woman   A simple look at the first and second chapter of the Book of Genesis shows that Adam and Eve were perfect with some choices to make.   Since the time they disobeyed God until the time of Jesus Christ coming to earth, God was using sacrificed as a substitute to bring back his people to himself.   Irrevocably, God has wanted to be friends with humans for a long time. Over 2000 years ago Jesus Christ was born in this world to save it from sin and punishment coming.   The wrath of God is upon every man and woman that does not believe in him.   There is a total separation between humans and God currently.   He is prompting and urging them one at a time to have a relationship with him through Jesus.   Why Jesus?   He is the only human who was born of a virgin (Mary).   Consequently, because of this he did not inherit the sinful nature that we all have, since he was conceived by the Holy Spirit in her womb.   This makes him the Son of Go